Chapter 10 WS1 Flashcards
What is the meaning of hinterland?
An area supplying raw materials and goods, especially trade goods, to a port.
What is the meaning of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
The total value of goods and serviced produced in a country in a year.
The higher the value of the total value of goods and serviced produced, the higher the income and therefore better Standard of living
What is the meaning of industrialisation?
Process of developing manufacturing in an economy on a large scale, usually through the adoption of technology and machinery.
What is the meaning of inflation?
Rise in prices of most goods and services of daily or common use (reduction in value of money)
What is the meaning of labour force?
All the people in a country who are either working or looking for work.
What is the meaning of multinational corporations (MNCs)?
A company that operates in more than one country.
hire workers locally— creation of jobs
Sell to global customers for profit
What is the meaning of tariff?
A tax imposed by a government on goods entering or leaving the country.
What economic challenges did Singapore face upon independence?
Limited trade with Malaysia as Malaysia increased tariffs.
To limit competition to its own industries, Malaysia increased tariffs on Singapore’s exports, thus raising their prices. This lowered the demand for Singapore-made goods in Malaysia, as Malaysian-made goods became more affordable in comparison. This reduced the profits earned by the Singapore’s companies.
Malaysia also reduced the volume of its exports, such as raw tin and rubber, to Singapore. Previously, these were often stored or processed in Singapore before being re-exported worldwide. But Malaysia now sought to process and export them directly from its own ports. This reduced Singapore’s entrepot trade. This was amid growing competition from other ports in the region. Thus, its importance as a source of job creation was diminishing.
Malaysia processed and exported raw materials from its own ports and lowered the demand for Singapore-made goods.
Rapid population growth
More than 70000 unemployed persons out of a total labour force of over 700000. Large number of school leavers joining labour force. Declining entrepôt trade amidst growing competition from other ports.
British military withdrawal— accounted for 20% of SG’s GDP 70000 jobs. This was a substantial portion of the economy, and its sudden removal would create a significant economic gap.
These bases were a major source of employment for Singaporeans, with the livelihoods of over 40 000 people dependent on supplying goods and services to British servicemen stationed here.
Why did Singapore pursue a strategy of export-orientated industrialisation in the 1960s and 1970s
Economic diversification— different types of industries/sectors— seek new and varied sources of economic growth and get only from more streams, thus improving the resilience of the economy — address the challenges of unemployment and declining entrepôt trade
Creating different types of jobs with different types of skill set
Export different types of goods—different types of services to be provided
Development of Infrastructure— industrialise— aim to attract multinational corporations (MNCs) to set up factories in Singapore.— possessed capital to invest in Singapore’s infrastructure and networks to access the global markets— a significant economic gap google and apple.—provide knowledge and technology transfer to local companies— attract more people to buy from Singapore—more profits
Attract investors—> quality of SG manufacture goods will increase and the buyers from all around the world will have more trust in Singapore’s goods given b the fact that, there are so many Multinational Corporations in Singapore, it shows the economic development, prosperity and good quality of manufactured goods.
What were the different beliefs and goals to diversify the economy before merger and independence and after independence?
Even before merger and independence, the government believed industrialisation was key to diversifying Singapore’s economy. The establishment of Economic Development Board (EDB) was focused on attracting multinational corporations (MNCs) and sold goods mainly in Singapore and Malaysian hinterland.
After independence, they realised the impracticality of this, thus, they adopted an export-oriented economic independence, where the majority of goods produced would instead be exported worldwide.
What were the four things that the MNCs sought and what the Singapore provided?
Land Sizeable amount of land set aside for the development of industrial estates equipped with adequate facilities for factories and space for their future expansion.
Profits Lower tax rates, which made it more financially attractive for MNCs to set up operations in new industries in Singapore
Human Resources Large, young and growing labour force supported by trade unions that partnered the government and company bosses to achieve higher productivity and stronger economic growth
What were some of the key industries that developed in Singapore?
Petroleum Refining
Ship building and repair
Garments and Textiles
What was the evidence of success after independence after diversifying the economy?
Almost 150 000 jobs were created between 1967 and 1973 alone. Up until 1973, its economic growth rates, measure din terms of gross domestic product GDP, exceeded 10 per cent every year.
Unemployment rate fell from 8.9% to 4.5%
To support the diversification of the economy after independence, the government also developed the ______ in Singapore. What was the reason behind this and what are some examples?
To support the diversification of the economy after independence, the government also developed the proper infrastructure in Singapore. This would not only help to attract MNCs and other foreign investors, but also facilitate the growth of Singapore’s manufacturing industries.
Some examples include: Telecommunications, banking and finance, public utilities and transport.
What was the Singapore’s first HDB town?
Toa Payoh
What was the evidence of success of HDBs?
By end 1970, 36% of total population were living in flats.
By 1976, HDB flats housed more than half of the population.
Expanded to more than 80% by 1989. Role of HDB has grown overtime.
The role of HDB has grown overtime. (Expand the facilities and utilities, elder care centre, playground which foster a sense of community spirit and also a sense of belonging)
What were the conditions like in slums like Bukit Ho Swee? State both positive and negative phrases/words that you can think about. Why did people continue to live there despite these terrible conditions?
Lack of proper planning and modern amenities
Sense of community
Freedom (since law-enforcement was weaker, lesser commitments, simpler pleasures)
People continue to live there despite these terrible conditions:
Convenience (factories, workplace nearby), simpler lifestyle (relaxing), financial circumstances (cannot move to a more comfortable house), lack of housing opportunities developed at this time.
Tell me all about the Housing Development Board (HDB).
The HDB was set up in 1960 to replace the Singapore Improvement Trust, the organisation responsible for urban planning that was established by the British government. The main aim of the HDB was to provide affordable public housing for Singaporeans, through building high-rise flats as quickly as possible.
What was the difference between housing before 1964 and after 1964?
Previously, people have to rent before 1964.
1964: Home ownership for the people scheme
Locals, especially middle-low income could now buy their own flats instead of renting. Ensured affordable housing for all.
Why does the government want people to own a house?
This is because it improves the standard of living of the people living in Singapore since the houses are made of concrete material which makes it more durable, safe, clean and hygienic. By ensuring that there is affordable housing for all, it would ensure that people would still stay in Singapore and this would increase the stake in Singapore as more locals are inclined to stay in Singapore and contribute back economically. This also builds their national identity.
What did the government implement in 1968?
The government allowed the use of money from Central Provident Fund (CPF) to support the purchase of a flat. The meaning of CPF is where there are money input every year, which save money for retirement so that when you are old, you can take care of yourselves and the government don’t need to spend too much money on taking care of elderly.
What is the positive impact of the citizens that they experience after HDB was present?
The citizens have better housing conditions, affordable housing which is inclusive to the whole society including the poor)
What was the negative impact the citizens experienced after HDB was present?
The locals lost the community spirit from Kampong. Family members and relatives are separated due to the HDB blocks. This made them feel more isolated and thus they needed to establish new ties. Furthermore, the animals that the locals rear such as pigs were previously able to be reared in Kampong, however, in the HDB flats, it would be difficult for them to take care of the animals. The way of life that people experienced also drastically change. For example, there was a reduction in space to play from a huge field to play to only a void deck. People were also not use to using lift and they were scared which made them live in fear.
What are some positive impact that the government experience due to the HDB flats?
People are satisfied with their living condition and having their basic needs being met. This allowed them to gain political support and legitimacy. This would allow the government to have a stronger rule and have less challenge to their rule.
What are some positive impact that the country experience due to the HDB flat?
People from other countries are attracted to Singapore as they think that Singapore is more develop and is also safer to live in. Besides, it will also result in an increase in the productivity of the workforce. People have better standard of living which aids in the productivity and economic development. There would also be a foster of community spirit across races and build a sense of identity as the locals have pride in the success of HDB.
What are the four main policies that helped Singapore to achieve its goal of export-oriented industrialisation?
Providing Tax incentives
Expanding trade links
Promoting industrial peace
Developing infrastructure
What are the two policies and its dates for providing tax incentives which was one of the methods to achieve its goal of export-oriented industrialisation?
Pioneer Industries Ordinance (1959)
Economic Expansion Incentives Act (1967)
What was the pioneer industries ordinance about?
The Pioneer Industries Ordinance (1959) provided tax reliefs to certain manufacturing firms that were granted pioneer status.
An example is if the manufacturing firms receive a certificate for being the first factory to be set up in Singapore, then they will get tax reliefs with either less tax or no tax.
What was the economic expansion incentives act about?
The economic expansion incentives act (1967) provided new tax reliefs and exemptions for manufacturers engaged in export. This means that the tax reliefs are only for manufacturers that export outside of Singapore.
What is the impact of providing tax incentives?
By providing tax incentives, it made it financially attractive for MNCs to set up operations in Singapore. This is because this would allow MNCs to gain more profits (which is one of the goals of MNCs) and save lesser money to pay for tax.
What are the two policies that is under the larger goal of expanding trade links to achieve its goal of export-oriented industrialisation?
1968: International Trading Company (INTRACO) and 1969: Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR)
What was the international trading company (INTRACO) about?
In 1968: International Trading Company (INTRACO) was set up to explore new overseas markets for Singapore-made goods and find new sources of raw materials at competitive prices.
What was the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research?
It was established to help local manufacturers meet quality standards.
What were the impacts of expanding trade links?
Focused on labour-intense industries—> more jobs
advertised and marketed locally and overseas through trade fairs, exhibitions and trade missions.
The labour-intense industries are electronics, petroleum refining, ship building and repair. Through the marketing and advertisement, it made Singapore’s goods more trustworthy, popular and attractive, allowing more consumer purchasing Singapore goods, leading to increase in profits for local companies.
What were the three policies under the larger section of promoting industrial peace to achieve its goal of export-oriented industrialisation?
1961: Formation of National Trades Union Congress (NTUC).
Industrial relations amendment act (1968)
1972: National Wages Council (NWC)
What was the formation of national trades union congress (NTUC) about?
Formation of NTUC
- Date: The NTUC was officially formed on 6 September 1961.
- Purpose: The NTUC was established to consolidate the various unions in Singapore into a single umbrella organization that would work towards improving workers’ rights and conditions in a more constructive and less confrontational manner than the militant unions of the past.
- Support from the Government: The formation of the NTUC was supported by the People’s Action Party (PAP) government, which saw the need for a stable and peaceful labor environment to attract foreign investment and promote economic development.
What was the industrial relations amendment act in 1968 about?
Restored management rights to employers. Aimed to reduce the number of strikes, to improve productivity. This is also a more direct way to deal with strikes.
What was the national wages council (NWC) about?
It was set up in 1972 to bring employers, unions and the government to a consensus on wages.
What is the impact of promoting industrial peace to achieve its goal of export-oriented?
Resulted in a productive, low-cost and compliant labour force. (Reduce the number of man days lost) Ensuring stability in labour force. The benefit is that more MNCs and foreign investors will be attracted as they would think that Singapore is a good business place.
What were the five things that were under the bigger umbrella of developing infrastructure?
- Singapore’s first industrial estate developed in Jurong.
- Telecommunications network improved.
- Provision of public utilities through the Public Utilities Board (PUB).
- Improvements in banking and financial services (e.g. Development Bank of Singapore established.)
- Improvements in transportation infrastructure—air, sea, land.
What was the impacts of developing infrastructure?
EDB tasked with transforming Jurong into Singapore’s first industrial estate.
Developed 70km square through land reclamation, resettlement and infrastructure construction (e.g. roads, power lines, water etc)ready in 1963 but few investors care initially
-Gradually developed HDBs
National Iron and Steel mills (First company to be set up in Jurong.
Flats constructed by JTC
By late 1967, Jurong Industrial Estate attracted investments worth a total of about S$178 million in fixed assets (processing raw materials) and generated jobs for around 6500 workers.
What is the Singapore (The economic miracle) about?
Between 1966 to 1973:
GDP grew at an average rate of 13% annually—one of the highest growth rates in the developing world.
Share of the economy occupied by manufacturing rose from 16% to 22.3%. Unemployment rate fell from 8.9% to 4.5%.
What were the two social challenges that Singapore faced after independence and why was this a challenge? Explain.
- Low literacy rates (reading and writing)
In 1965, a quarter of the population was still of school going age, and the literacy rate was a mere 60 per cent, suggesting that not many were in school.
This was a challenge as it affected the economic survival because Singapore lacked skilled workforce. Singapore required a workforce that was able to communicate in English, have flexible skills, have skills at working with machinery used. (Ultimately, trying to industrialise). This would not be able to attract foreign MNCs. Furthermore, if they are not able to read and write, they cannot understand and comprehend complex concepts and work. Thus, it was essential to invest in upskilling to ensure that workforce could meet the needs of the MNCs.
High birth rates
More than 50,000 babies were being born annually and they would soon require an education too, but education was mainly provided by vernacular schools—> recall that vernacular schools means they teach Chinese/Malay/Tamil medium schools and they teach. Many subjects using that language.
This was a challenge as it was difficult to communicate with one another since they used different languages. There was also a lack of standardised education, which would lead to unequal educational outcomes as their skill set and their language abilities are varied. (Divided population)
What they required was a workforce that has a standardised syllabus to unify a diverse population that spoke different languages.
Why does the government need to place so much emphasis in Singapore?
-Build a workforce
-More opportunities
-Most important resource is people.
With people as its most valuable resource, the government need to ensure that Singaporeans were educated and equipped to help Singapore thrive.
Youth that have the necessary values and skills to earn a living and build the nation.
What were the four policies that Singapore did to try to resolve these challenges through education?
- Bilingual Education Policy
- Integrated School System
- Greater emphasis on Mathematics and Sciences, and Technical subjects in schools
- Equal opportunities for education for boys and girls.
What was the bilingual education policy about? Provide some evidence.
Students had to learn both English as their Mother Tongues
1960: compulsory to learn both English and Mother Tongue in Primary schools
1966: Compulsory to learn English and Mother Tongue in Secondary schools
1969: Second language became the compulsory examination subject in the school certificate
How did the Bilingual Education policy strengthen the education system?
Through this policy, since students had to learn both English as well as their Mother Tongues, they will be a common language for all people to communicate in, English. This will break down language barrier among the students and allow them to have a common language to communicate if they are working with the MNCs. It also allows stronger social bonds to continue to be fostered while ensuring that they are still connected to their ethnic and cultural roots as they are still taught their vernacular language.—> instill connection with your cultural roots, thus, supports racial diversity as Singapore identity
—> Social —> Social unity among all races
—> Equip Singaporeans with globally-recognised language (English), therefore increasing their employability. Also equipped with second language, thus, more skilled and be a better communicator.
What was the integrated school system about? Provide some evidence.
1960: the first integrated schools were set up. In these schools, students who had differ languages studied on the same campus.
Integrated schools provided instruction in two or three languages
—> English Chinese, English/Malay,
English/Tamil or English/Malay/Chinese
How did the integrated school system strengthen the education system?
It allows people of different races to bond and communicate (encourage interaction among students of different races/—Build cohesion and unity among races). English education integrated schools became more attractive because students who were educated in vernacular schools will not lose touch with mother tongue language.
What was the policy on “Greater emphasis on Mathematics and Sciences, and Technical subjects in schools” about?
Technical schools were built and workshop facilities were added to regular schools/
Technical education department was set up in the Ministry of Education in June 1968
From 1969, all Male lower secondary students and half the female secondary cohort had to take up technical subjects such as Woodwork, technical Drawing and Home economics.
More technical teachers were trained, and specialised schools were set up to provide more opportunities for a technical education.
How did the policy on “Greater emphasis on Mathematics and Sciences, and technical subjects in schools” strengthen the education system?
Students would have the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the industrial sector when they graduated.
With a greater emphasis in robotics, and Science, increases the chances of more engineers during industrialisation.
—machineries skills (which MNCs have)
Attract MNCs with their greater skill set contributed to the economic growth of SG (economic)
—technical education would equip students with skills needed in industries— supports a labour-intensive economy—> steady supply of workers—> increase labour pool, thus more attractive to foreign MNCs
Labour-intensive economy—> wood-work carpentry, technical drawing—> architecture
What is the “equal opportunities for education for girls and boys” about? Provide some evidence.
All singaporean children were provided with free primary education.
the government called on families to send both their sons and daughters to school.
How did this policy “equal opportunities for education for girls and boys” strengthen the education system?
Males and females have education means that there will be more manpower—> larger workforce—> more productive
Everyone had better chances of securing better, higher-paying jobs, regardless of gender. Contribute to a larger labour pool—>steady supply of workers-> make if more attractive to foreign MNCs as Singapore has a skilled workers to make manufacturing and goods be exported at a more efficient and faster rate.
Why is education necessary?
Long term: productive for economy as people are skilled, attractive for employment. More knowledgeable. Able to contribute to country by solving problems faced.—e.g. housing, healthcare and economy