Chapter 10 Statistics And Probability Flashcards
The study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information or data
Descriptive statistics
Used to describe the data
Inferential statistics
used to draw conclusions or make decisions from the data
A visual display that communicates a basic form of the data
Bar graph
A visual tool that uses vertical or horizontal bars to illustrate data classified into categories
Chart title
It is located at the top of the graph and indicates what data is displayed
Located on the vertical access it helps to identify the height of each bar
Grid lines
Horizontal lines that extends from the major points of the scale
The zero line
Establishes the beginning of each bar
Category label
Indicate what data category that bar displays
Axis title
What the axis is measuring
A pattern with in a graph
Segmented bar graph
Contains multiple categories within each a bar to bar representing the total of it subcategories
Percent of change
Indicate how much a quantity increased or decreased across categories
Circle graph
Uses sectors of a circle try to relate parts of some group to the entire group
Qualitive information
Nonnumeric information that can be absorbed but not measured
Quantitive information
Information that can be measured with numeric information
Number categories
Stem and leaf plot
A numeric illustration of how frequently values occur in certain class is
Frequency distribution
Lists the number of data values within each class
Meausure of center
Algorithms for determining the middle number
Average of data values
The “Middle “data value
The data value that occurs most often
A data value that lives far away from the rest of the data values
Describes how much a particular statistic resist change caused by extreme values
Way to calculate dispersion
Five number summary
Minimum, maximum, first and third quartile, median
Measure of asymmetry in frequency distribution
Univariate date
Single variable data about one characteristic
Bivariate data
Two different characteristics of a single
Explanatory variable
Independent variable
Response variable
Dependent variable
Line of fit
Line that passes through a scatter plot and describes the average
Exponential growth
Describes a quantity that grows at a rate proportional to its size
Practice of predicting results with in the bounds of the original data
Any possible result of an event
Successful outcome
Outcome that will give the requested result
Number of successful outcomes divided by the number of outcomes
Mutually exclusive
If the occurrence of event a makes the occurrence of event b impossible event a and B are mutually exclusive