Chapter 10 : Social Security Flashcards
Quarter of Coverage
A basic unit for determining whether a worker is insured under the social security program.
Federal Insurance Contributions Act are used to fund the SS. Must pay in
Social Security Act of 1935
65+, enacted by Senate and House of Representatives
Entitlement program, not welfare
Fully insured: 40 quarter, 10 year rule to be fully insured and have their death benefits extended to the family
Fully Insured
death benefits, disability benefits and medicare benefits.
40 quarters
Currently insured
Only death benefits
Old Age, survivor and disability insurance (ie. Social Secuirty).
Federal government imposes a tax on earned income that must be withheld by your employer
Primary Insurance Amount (PIA)
the benefit a person would receive if he/she elects to receiving benefits at the normal age.
Blackout period
A period following the death of a family breadwinner during which no social security benefits are available to the surviving spouse.
Supplemental Security Income
Low-income program for disablity
Taxation of Social Security Benefits
Individual: income > $25,000
Joint: income > $32,000
How are social security benefits calculated?
Average indexed monthly earnings during their working years.
Primary insurance amount
Age 65 retirement
Contributed at least 10 years/40 quarters worth
Who are not offered social security coverage? (3)
- federal employees hire before 1984
- 25% of state and local government employees
- railroad workers
Disability benefits
40 quarters
20 quarters must be earned immediately preceding the disabling event