Chapter 10: Radical Reactions Flashcards
What is an Ionic Reaction?
are those in which covalent bonds break heterolytically and in which ions are involved as reactants, intermediates or products
What does Heterolytically mean?
When the bonding electron pair is split unevenly between the product, usually produces at least one ion
What is Homolysis?
is the chemical bond disociation of a molecule by a process where each of the fragments retains one of the originally bonded electrons
What are Free Radicals or (Radicals)?
mechanism that involve homolysis of covalent bonds with the production of intermediates possessing unpaired electrons called free radicals (radicals)
- almost all small radicals are short-lived, highly reactive species
What does a single-barbed curved arrow mean?
sed to represent the movement of a single electron
What is Hydrogen Abstraction?
gives the halogen atom an electron (from the hydrogen atom) to pair with its unpaired electron
What is Radical Halogenation?
Alkanes react with molecular halogens to produce alkyl halides via a substitution reaction called radical halogenation
R-H +X2 –> R-X + HX
X = F, Cl, Br ; Iodine is essentially unreactive due to unfavourable reaction energies
What is Chlorination?
adding of chlorine to an alkane
- chlorination of most higher alkanes gives a mixture of isomeric monochlorinated products as well as more highly halogenated compounds
- not useful as synthetic methods when the goal is preparation of a specific alkyl chloride
Chlorine is what?
Chlorine is relatively unselective; it does not discriminate greatly among the different types of hydrogen atoms (primary,secondary, tertiary) in an alkane
Bromine is generally less what?
Bromine is generally less reactive towards alkanes than chlorine, and bromine is more selective in the site of attack when it does react
Chlorination of Methane: Mechanism of Reaction?
- The reaction is promoted by heat or light (temperatures greater than 100°C)
- Step 1: halogen dissociation (under the influence of heat/light a molecule of chlorine dissociates; takes one bonding electron) - The light-promoted reaction is highly efficient (small photons permits the formation of relatively large amounts of chlorinated product)
- Step 2: Hydrogen Abstraction (A chlorine atom abstracts a hydrogen atom from a methane molecule)
- Step 3: Halogen Abstraction (A methyl radical abstracts a chlorine atom from a chlorine atom)
What is Chain Termination?
Coupling of any two radicals depletes the supply of reactive intermediates and terminates the chain
What is a Chain Reaction?
This type of sequential, stepwise mechanism, in which each step generates the reactive intermediate that causes the next cycle of the reaction to occur is called a chain reaction
Step 1 of Chlorination of Methane is also known as what?
Chain Initiating step: creation of radicals
Step 2 of Chlorination of Methane is also known as what?
Chain Propagation: reaction and regeneration of radicals
What is the Geometry of Alkyl Radicals?
The geometric structure of most alkyl radicals is trigonal planar at the carbon having the unpaired electron
- This structure can be accommodated by sp2-hybridized central carbon
What does racemic form mean?
when achiral molecules react to produce a compound with a single tetrahedral chirality centre the product will be a racemic form
What does a single barbed arrow represent?
it represents the direction of a single electron
What are peroxides?
Peroxides are radicals that can produce alkyl radicals (ROOR –> 2RO)
What is Bond Energy?
Formation of a more stable molecule such as H2 will yield an exothermic reaction
- On the contrary, breaking a bond will lead to an endothermic reaction
- Endothermic reactions will have a higher activation energy than the heat of reaction
What does Lower Activation Energy mean?
Lower Activation Energy means that the reactants can be converted to products in a shorter period of time
What is the General Rule?
If bonds are broken, the activation energy will be above zero
Alkyl Radical Reactions are what?
Are sp2 hybridized
- The molecule starts off to be achiral, but after addition of chlorine, it will generate a racemic mixture (+/-)
Reactions are more favourable in what kind of solvents?
They are more favourable in non polar solvents