Chapter 10 - Psychoanalytic Approaches: contemporary issues Flashcards
What are the 4 main contemporary issues of psychoanalytic approaches?
- The Neo-Analytic Movement
- Ego Psychology
- Object Relations Theory
- Attachment Theory
What is the Neo-Analytic Movement?
-psychoanalysis is considered a theory containing ideas inspired by Freud, but modified and advanced by others
–less about id, superego, or repressed sexuality
–focus on childhood relationships and adult conflicts with others
What are the 5 postulates of contemporary psychoanalysis?
- unconscious plays a large role in life, but is not as ubiquitous as Freud believed
- behaviour reflects compromises in conflict between mental processes
- childhood plays an important role in personality development, particularly in shaping adult relationship styles
- mental representations of self and others guide interactions with others
- personality development involves not just regulating sexual and aggressive feelings, but also moving from an immature socially dependent way of relating to others to a mature independent relationship style
What is the timeline of Carl Jung?
-1900: read the Interpretation of Dreams
-1906: began correspondence with Freud
-1907: met Freud
-1909: lectures alongside Freud at Clark University
-1911: first president of the Psychoanalytic Association
What caused tension between Freud and Jung?
-The Psychology of the Unconscious (1912): critical of Freud; strain in relationship; by 1914, Jung resigned and withdrew from the Psychoanalytic Association
-1913-1916 went through emotional crisis: spark of creativity; allowed him to establish Analytic Psychology
What is Analytical Psychology?
-emphasizes the complex interplay between oppositional forces within the psyche and the way in which these internal conflicts affect personality development
What are the aspects/views of Analytical psychology?
-libido: generalized life energy of which sex was only a part
-no place for an Oedipus complex
-shaped by the past but also by our goals, hopes, and aspirations
-personality not fully determined by age 6
-sex plays a minimal role in motivation
What is the psyche?
-construct to represent all of the interacting systems within human personality that are needed to account for the mental life and behaviour of the person
What are the 2 levels of unconscious of the psyche (structural components)?
- Personal unconscious: material that was once conscious but has been forgotten or suppressed (complexes)
- Collective unconscious: deepest level of the psyche which contains inherited experiences of human and pre-human species (archetypes)
What is the 3rd structural component of the psyche?
-ego: one aspect of the psyche
-force in the personality responsible for feelings of identity and continuity
What are Archetypes?
-inherited tendencies within the collective unconscious that dispose a person to behave similarly to ancestors who confronted similar situations
How are Archetypes different from Instincts?
-instincts: unconscious physical impulse
-archetypes: psychic counterpart
What is Persona (psyche)?
-causes people to present only part of their personality to the public
-the mask we present and let others see
What is Self (psyche)?
-leads people to search for ways of maximizing the development of their multifaceted potentials
What is Shadow (psyche)?
-provides us with the tendency to be immoral and aggressive
What is Anima (psyche)?
-provides the female component of the male personality
What is Animus (psyche)?
-provides the masculine component of the female personality
What are the 3 aspects of operation of the psyche?
-principle of opposites
-principle of equivalence
-principle of entropy
What is the principle of opposites?
-the energy that propels personality and behaviour is derived from the interplay between opposite forces within the psyche
-ex: outer world - inner world; ego - shadow
What is the principle of equivalence?
-energy expended in one part of the psyche will be compensated for by an equal amount of energy in another part of the psyche
What is the principle of entropy?
-energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order to achieve equilibrium
What is the Theory of Psychological types?
-introversion and extroversion - opposing attitudes reflecting the direction of the life energy (libido)
What does the extravert side of Theory of Psychological types believe?
-libido direct outside the self
-strongly influenced by forces in the environment
-is sociable and self-confident
What does the introvert side of Theory of Psychological types believe?
-libido directed inward
-resistant to external influences
-introspective, less confident in relations with others and the external world, less sociable
What are Rational and Irrational functions?
-Rational functions: modes of making judgments or evaluations of events in the world (thinking and feeling)
-Irrational functions: modes of apprehending the world without evaluating it (sensation and intuition)
What are the Four Functions?
-sensing & intuiting
-thinking & feelings
What is Sensing (4 functions)?
-initial, concrete experiencing of phenomena without the use of reason
What is Intuiting (4 functions)?
-relying on hunches when dealing with strange situations that have no established facts
What is Thinking (4 functions)?
-helps us understand events through the use of reason and logic
What is Feeling (4 functions)?
-evaluation of events by judging whether they are good or bad, acceptable, or unacceptable
What are the 8 types of attitudes & functions?
-extraverted thinking type
-introverted thinking type
-extraverted feeling type
-introverted feeling type
-extraverted sensing type
-introverted sensing type
-extraverted intuitive type
-introverted intuitive type
What is Extraverted Thinking Type?
-characterized positively by ability to organize masses of facts into a coherent theory, and negatively by a selfish and exploitative attitude toward others
What is Introverted Thinking Type?
-characterized positively by imagination and ability to think originally and boldly, and negatively by social ineptness
What is Extraverted Feeling Type?
-characterized positively by an acceptance of the standards of society, and negatively by a change in emotions from situation to situation
What is Introverted Feeling Type?
-characterized positively by intense feelings of sympathy for others who have experienced misfortune, and negatively by shyness and inaccessibility