Chapter 10: Photosynthesis Flashcards
What is used in generating ATP molecules during photosynthesis?
ATP synthase
What are pigments that can absorb light energy in photosynthetic organisms?
What is the difference in the number of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid lumen compared to the stroma?
1000 fold
What is the only type of chlorophyll that participates directly in the light reaction?
What are organisms called that cannot produce their own chemical energy?
Electron flow that occurs between photosystem two and one…
What is the color of light energy least useful in photosynthesis?
What are the sacs within the stroma that contain chlorophyll and are the specific sites of the light reaction stage of photosynthesis?
What are organisms I can use light energy to produce chemical energy?
What is the number of NADPHs required to produce one three carbon sugar in the dark reaction?
What is the inner most region of the Chloroplasts and the site of the Calvin cycle?
What is the enzyme (also known as RUBP carboxylase) that attaches CO2 to the sugar ribulose to start the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis?
Byproduct of the first step of the light reaction of photosystem two. Produced by splitting water molecules…
Oxygen (O2)
Split in the first step of the light reaction of photosystem II to replenish the electron lost from P680
The series of chemical reactions that convert light energy into chemical energy
The chlorophyll molecule in the center of photosystem two that absorbs light energy at 700nM
Organelles found in photosynthetic organisms that are the sites of photosynthesis
Dark reaction in photosynthesis that converts CO2 into three carbon sugars including ATP and NADPH generated in the light reaction
The order from lowest energy to highest energy of light in the visible light spectrum
Electron flow that occurs only in photosystem one. Used to generate additional ATP needed for the Calvin cycle.
Complex of accessory pigments that transfers late energy to a central core of the pigment
The number of ATPs required to produce one three carbon sugar in the dark reaction
What is the number of carbons in ribulose?
What is the formula for photosynthesis?
6CO2+6H2O ➡️C6H12O6+6O2
What are the three modes of acquiring nutrition? Examples of each?
Autotrophic: producers
- Photoautotrophs: use light as an energy source….plants, Cyanobacteria, algae
- Chemoautotrophs: use inorganic stuff…archaebacteria use sulfur
Heterotrophs: consumers….animals, fungi