Chapter 10 of the Supply Operations Manual Flashcards
Which form is used for buying fuel from non-DLA into-plane contract sources?
Standard Form 44
What determines whether the item is within capability of the AIMD to check, test, or repair?
What are contact points within maintenance organizations where requirements for parts and materials are coordinated with the aviation support division (ASDs)?
Material control centers
The CNO established the NAMP and the chief of the bureau of aeronautics implemented it on what date?
26 October 1959
What is the limit cost for buying aviation fuel and lubricants with the SF 44?
Who provides assistance required for developing and maintaining standard aircraft inventory record (AIR) within T/M/S aircraft or their organization?
What is responsible for assisting in the maintenance of standard aircraft inventory record (air) within type/ model/ (series) (T/M/S) aircraft?
Which form is for requisitioning repair parts and other materials for in-plane servicing?
DD form 1348 (6-pt)
When a ferry pilot is required to affect an aircraft transfer, how many inventories are made?
What describes policies, procedures and responsibilities at all levels of aviation maintenance?
The Navy maintenance and material management (3-M) system was introduced on what date?
1 January 1965
What is a maintenance management tool that provides the AIMD with the ability to relate maintenance capability to individual items?
Which form is used for buying aviation gasoline (AVGAS) and lubricants from DOD activities?
DD form 1897
What are the documents used for getting material or services?
What is used to establish a formal, continuous chain of accountability for specific equipment installed on or designated for use on any aircraft?
Aircraft inventory record (AIR)
Which form is used for buying jet fuel and lubricants DOD activities?
DD Form 1896
When shortages are discovered on receipt of an aircraft and are not properly recorded in the aircraft inventory record (air), the receiving organization itemizes shortages and submit a list of such shortages within how many working days after receipt of the aircraft to the organization from which the aircraft was received?
What is responsible for determining the accuracy and adequacy of the aircraft inventory record (air)?
When an aircraft is transferred via a depot or contractor program, the transferring activity ships only the minimum of essential aircraft inventory record (air) items noting all shortages on what form?
OPNAV form 4790/112
The document used to purchase materials and services is the standard form 44. The cost of repairs and the services is limited to what amount for each transaction for each aircraft?
How many different categories are supply and equipage (S&E) operating target (OPTAR)grants broken into?
Which instruction is payment for non-naval (civilian) medical and dental care made in accordance with?
Renovation of flags faces is subject to which instruction?
On what basis must office equipment rentals be contracted?
Which instruction must procurement of shipboard furnishings and food service equipment comply with?
Federal industries program provide low cost, shipboard acceptable furniture and equipment. How much per ship, per fiscal year does the TYCOM automatically fund this program at?
Which series sets forth the Navy’s program for procuring and maintaining Reprographic equipment as well as obtaining technical training?
What’s the maximum cash award that may be granted by CVN commanding officers for beneficial suggestions adopted by the ship?
Which supply division is responsible for daily OPTAR accounting?
Non-NSN material is properly chargeable to the other procurement navy (OPN) procreation that is not centrally managed with a unit price exceeding which amount?
Which program provides material and tools used to accomplish approved work packages during availability periods?
SFWP ships force work package
Who is responsible for financial accountability and all internal financial processing and external reporting?
Color printers are authorized for which level or above?
Leading petty officer
Which term is defined as an increase to the funds authorized to a ship?
Which term must be used by CVNs to fund their telephones toll charges?
DD form 1149
Which term is defined as the authorization to obligate future funds and consequently results in reduced future funding?
Which program was designed provide intensified advanced planning assistance to CVN supply officers for development of comprehensive supply department repair packages for refueling complex overhauls (RCOHs), selected restricted availabilities (SRAs) and other extended maintenance material periods?
EQOL enhanced quality of life
Which contract provides promote an on-site logistics training for fleet and marine aviation logistics squadron (MALS) units?
FAST Fleet assistance and shipboard training
How often at a minimum must organizational clothing be inventoried to verify custody?
Which special funding is granted to the ship to cover the cost of repair-related parts/consumables to other vessels within the strike group?
SFIMA Strike force intermediate maintenance availability
Within how many days of the report posting to the SALTS website are the ships required to post and work summary filled order/expenditure difference listing (SFOEDL) charges?
CVNs required to process receipt transaction item reporting (TIR)/Lost in shipment (LIS) receipt transaction item reporting (TIR) result unmatched (SIT) transactions before they are more than how many days old?
Which system are ships’ obligations and expenditures managed under?
Standard accounting and reporting system-field level
Within how many days of port departure must the supply officer SUPPO submit the naval message Port visiting cost reporting (PVCR)?
What identifies discrepancies that DFAS discovers between the ships obligations and the ships bills for material and service purchased?
SFOEDL Somebody filled order/expenditure difference listing
Which revolving fund is used by Rsupply force level activities to purchase stock material and is reimbursed from OM&N Optar when issued to end-users?
NWCF Navy working capital fund
How often are budget OPTAR reports (BORS) submitted?
Procurement of non-NSN major end items or systems exceeding the investment threshold is considered an investment and should be procured with OPN funds. What is the current expense or investment threshold criteria for CNAF?
How often are must the S-6 database administrator (DBA) monitor NALCOMIS Unprocessed interface records for requisition?
Which system was designed to account for the value of fleet assets carried within the Afloat Navy working capital fund (NWCF) Account ?
MFCS-Retail Afloat