Chapter 10 - Leadership for Performance Excellence Flashcards
The ____________________________ at the University of Minnesota observed three things regarding the role of leadership in quality and performance excellence.
Juran Center for Leadership in Quality
(T or F) Even fewer companies have sustained such excellence during changes in leadership.
(T or F) Despite substantial efforts, only a few U.S. organizations have reached world-class excellence.
(T or F) Most corporate quality failures rest with leadership.
___________ is the first category in the Baldrige framework, signifying its importance in driving quality and performance excellence throughout an organization.
Leadership is the first category in the _______________, signifying its importance in driving quality and performance excellence throughout an organization.
Baldrige framework
Leadership in Deming’s 14 Points – Read
- Point 1. Create and publish to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization. The management must demonstrate constantly their commitment to this statement.
- Point 7. Teach and institute leadership.
- Point 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship.
- Point 14. Take action to accomplish the transformation.
Among the Deming’s 14 points, which specific points are referring to leadership? (4)
Point 1
Point 7
Point 12
Point 14
Deming Point __:
Create and publish to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization. The management must demonstrate constantly their commitment to this statement.
Deming Point __:
Teach and institute leadership.
Deming Point __:
Remove barriers that rob people of
pride of workmanship.
Deming Point __:
Take action to accomplish the transformation.
Studer Group’s senior leadership has embedded __________________ within the organization to provide the framework for its internal operations.
Evidence-Based Leadership (EBL)
Studer Group’s ______________ have created a culture at that is values-driven, transparent, and fosters passion for making a difference.
Senior leaders
The Studer Group models the Evidence-Based Leadership service excellence it teaches and identifies its key support mechanism as “______________________.”
people interacting with people
The ____________________ executive team sets direction and vision in its planning by following the ADVANCE strategies set forth by the Memorial Hermann Health System: Align with physicians, Deliver quality care, Value employees, Achieve operational targets, Nurture growth and innovation, Be consumer centric, and Enhance population health infrastructure.
Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital
The ADVANCE strategies were set forth by the ______________________.
Memorial Hermann Health System
ADVANCE Strategies (7)
Align with physicians
Deliver quality care
Value employees
Achieve operational targets
Nurture growth and innovation
Be consumer centric, and
Enhance population health infrastructure.
Memorial Hermann’s three-step “____________________” integrates strategy, mission, vision, values, and core competencies into daily operations.
Using this system, senior leaders share key information with the workforce through multiple methods.
Values-Driven Leadership System
Their three-step “Values-Driven Leadership System” integrates __________, ________, _________, _________, and _________________ into daily operations.
strategy; mission; vision; values; core competencies
The ____________ ranks among the top 10 percent nationally for a number of performance metrics.
Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital
…the ability to positively influence people and systems under one’s authority to have a meaningful impact and achieve important results
Six Key Leadership Competencies (6)
- Navigator
- Communicator
- Mentor
- Learner
- Builder
- Motivator
_____________: Creates shared meaning and provides direction towards a vision, mission, goal or end-result.
_______________: Effectively listens and articulates messages to provide shared meaning.
___________: Provides others with a role model to guide their actions.
____________: Continuously develops personal knowledge, skills, and abilities through formal study, experience, reflection, and recreation.
__________: Shapes processes and structures to allow for the achievement of goals and outcomes.
____________: Influences others to take action in a desirable manner.
Personal Leadership Characteristics (7)
- Accountability
- Courage
- Humility
- Integrity
- Creativity
- Perseverance
- Well-Being
______________: Taking responsibility for the organization, community, or self that the leader serves.
_______: The mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty with a firmness of mind and will, allowing leaders to navigate into the unknown.
_________: What gives excellent leaders their ability to mentor, communicate, and learn, and understand that they are servants of those that follow.
__________: The ability to discern what is right from wrong and commit to the right path.
____________: The ability to see possibilities, horizons, and futures that don’t yet exist, enabling the leader to help create a shared vision.
_____________: Sticking to a task or purpose, no matter how hard or troublesome.
____________: The ability to stay healthy in both work and play, demonstrating the importance of being ready to implement leadership competencies when needed.
Key Practices for Performance Excellence Leadership – READ
- Set organizational vision and values and deploy them through the organization’s leadership system, to the workforce, to key suppliers and partners, and to customers and other stakeholders as appropriate.
- Demonstrate a commitment to organizational values through personal actions.
- Foster a sustainable organization by creating (1) an environment for organizational performance improvement, the accomplishment of the organization’s mission and strategic objectives, innovation, competitive or role-model performance leadership, and organizational agility; (2) an environment for organizational and workforce learning; (3) a culture that fosters customer engagement; and developing and enhancing leadership skills and developing future organizational leaders.
- Promote an organizational environment that fosters, requires, and leads to legal and ethical behavior.
- Communicate with and engage the entire workforce by encouraging frank, two-way communication throughout the organization, communicating key decisions, and taking an active role in reward and recognition programs to reinforce high performance and a customer and business focus.
- Create a focus on action to accomplish the organization’s objectives, improve performance, and attain the organization’s vision.
- Create and balance value for customers and other stakeholders in their organizational performance expectations.
- Maintain an effective governance system that provides for accountability for management’s actions, transparency, and protection of stakeholder and stockholder interests.
- Evaluate performance of senior leadership and use performance reviews to improve personal leadership effectiveness.
- Actively support and strengthen key communities such as charitable organizations, education, and others.
For a strategy to be successful, senior leaders must have extensive involvement in the __________ process, create an environment for ______________ and ______________, and guide the design of the work and leadership systems that will ensure that the strategy is carried out.
planning; competitive success; performance leadership
_________________ is “a person’s ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization, and its competitive advantage to the organization in this way.”
Strategic leadership
Characteristics of Strategic Leadership – READ
- Serving as both leaders and team members;
- Demonstrating the importance of integrity through
actions rather than simply articulating it; - Thinking in terms of processes rather than outcomes;
- Leveraging the collective knowledge of everyone in the organization;
- Designing work that reflects relationships rather than the organizational hierarchy;
- Anticipating environmental change rather than reacting to it;
- Viewing employees as organizational citizens rather than resources; and
- Operating with a global mindset rather than a domestic mindset.
_____________ – how leadership is exercised, formally and informally, throughout an organization. These elements include how key decisions are made, communicated, and carried out at all levels.
Leadership system
(T or F) The leadership system includes structures and mechanisms for decision making, selection and development of leaders and managers, and reinforcement of values, directions, and performance expectations.
Leadership system builds _________ and ___________ based upon shared values, encourages initiative and risk taking, and subordinates organization to purpose and function.
loyalty; teamwork
(T or F) An effective leadership system also includes mechanisms for leaders’ self-examination and improvement.
Stoner Business Excellence System (Figure 13.1)
See Chapter 10 Page 16
Classification of Leadership Theories (Table 13.2)
See Chapter 10 Page 17
Situational Leadership Theory – Four levels of follower maturity (readiness) and associated leadership styles: (4)
- Unable and unwilling – “directing” style
- Unable but willing – “coaching” style
- Able but unwilling – “supporting” style
- Able and willing – “delegating” style
Unable and unwilling – “_________” style
Unable but _________ – “coaching” style
________ but unwilling – “supporting” style
Able and willing – “__________” style
Leadership styles might vary from one person to another, depending on the “___________” of subordinates, which is characterized by their skills and abilities to perform the work, and their confidence, commitment, and motivation to do it.
Situational Leadership Styles (4)
- Directing
- Coaching
- Supporting
- Delegating
__________. In this style of leadership, managers define tasks and roles, and closely supervise work.
__________. In this style, leaders set the overall approach and direction but work with subordinates and allow them to manage the details.
______________. Here, leaders allocate tasks and set direction, but the subordinate has full control over the performance of the work.
_____________. In this style, subordinates can do their work with little supervision or support (minimal task-oriented behavior).
__________________ theory assumes that certain leaders may develop the ability to inspire their subordinates to exert extraordinary efforts to achieve organizational goals through behaviors that may include contingent rewards, and active and passive management by exception.
Transactional leadership
__________________________ suggests that leaders adopt behaviors such as: idealized influence, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation, and have a long-term perspective, focus on customers, promote a shared vision and values, work to stimulate their organizations intellectually, invest in training, take some risks, and treat employees as individuals.
Transformational leadership theory
(T or F) Transformational leadership is more aligned with organizational change required by total quality and Baldrige-like performance excellence models.
Evolving Leadership Skills – READ
- A position to a process
- A functional orientation to a boundary-less orientation
- A focus at the top to a focus throughout the organization
- Independent decision making to interdependent decision making
- Developing via individual competencies to developing via groups and networks
- Power resulting from position to power resulting from knowledge
- Competition to collaboration
- Logical and rational to feeling and emotional
- Staying the course strategy to emergent/flexible strategy
- Selling opinions to inquiring for buy-in
“Good leaders give back . . . It’s up to us to use our platform to be a good citizen. Because not only is it a nice thing to do, it’s a business imperative.”
– ________________, _________________
Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric
…the “responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society.”
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
(T or F) Organizations must behave ethically and be sensitive of social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.
This includes compliance with legal and ethical standards, corporate governance, and protection of public health, safety, and environmental protection.
Item ____ in the Leadership category of the Baldrige Criteria is focused exclusively on ______ as well as organizational governance.
The item addresses an organization’s governance system; performance evaluation; legal, regulatory, and ethical behavior; societal well-being; and community support.
1.2; CSR
____________ – the system of management and controls exercised in the stewardship of an organization.
Organizational Governance includes: (7)
- Approving strategic direction
- Monitoring and evaluating CEO performance
- Succession planning
- Financial auditing
- Executive compensation
- Disclosure
- Shareholder reporting
Societal Responsibilities (4)
- Safety in product design and manufacturing
- Security of sensitive information
- Environmental sustainability
- Community support
(T or F) Planning activities such as product design should anticipate adverse impacts from production, distribution, transportation, use, and disposal of a company’s products to protect the welfare of consumers and society.