Chapter 10- Internet Flashcards
U.S. Department of Defense sets up a computer network called the Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET), connecting university, military, and defense contractor computers. This is considered the birth of the Internet….
Compuserve, the first successful general interest online service
The first mobile phone becomes available to consumers
America Online begins operation, with simple point-and-click software that quickly makes it the most popular online service
The World Wide Web, invented by Tim Berners-Lee, becomes public, allowing users easy access to the internet
The internet is turned over to the public sector, partly because there are so many civilians on it that it can no longer be used for national security purposes
Google is founded in a garage in California
MySpace purchased by News Corp
YouTube purchased by google
Protestors in Iran use Twitter to maintain contact with outside world
Sending digital messages in chunks through any open pathway, to be reassembled at their destination.
Packet Switching
Software codes that enable one computer to communicate with another
A simplified means of navigating the internet based on hypertext links and graphical user interfaces
World Wide Web
Highlighted words and images within a web page that allow the user to move to another site by pointing and clicking a mouse button
Hypertext links (hyperlinks)
A software program that enables a user to move around the internet
A set of browser features such as icons & hot spots that allow users to navigate websites easily
Graphical user interface (GUI)
An Internet address that connects the user to a website on a particular computer
Uniform resource locator (URL)
The protocol that enables computers to recognize links on the World Wide Web
Hypertext transfer protocol (http)
The basic computer language used to write hypertext transfer protocol (http)
Hypertext markup language (HTML)
An advanced programming language used for animated images & advanced sound applications
Sending live video & broadcasting over online applications
Downloading & saving a video file at the same time it is being viewed
Web 2.0
The idea of a second generation internet that is highly participatory, allowing users to improve it as they use it
Online participation in which users combine material & add to the application as they use it
Using online software applications rather than tolls & information housed on a personal computer
Cloud Computing
Rudio-wave towers are set up on a grid so that each area of the grid is supplied with radio service
Cell Technology
Taking classes at locations other than a school facility, especially online
Distance learning
Games such as EverQuest that allow many players to join in over the Internet…
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs)
Programs that track internet users activities & report them back to advertisers…
Mobile phone text messaging
SMS(short message service)
Mobile phone text messaging that includes image, sound, or video…
MMS(multimedia message service)
The selling of foods & services online
One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to computer networks or files
Sending fake e-mails to get victims to reveal sensitive information…
Unsolicited e-mail messages
A file placed on a computer’s hard drive that enables that computer to be tracked…
Tim Bernard-Lee invented the World Wide Web
Sites from which users begin their web searching, can influence the direction of the user’s search for information, entertainment, & commerce
Who is google founded by? (2 ppl)
Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Who started the ARPA? (Advanced research Projects Agency
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
What were computers first used for?
Computers were used for crunching numbers in long mathematical equations
Who was the inventor of the telephone and what year?
Alexander Graham Bell and 1876
Who do many people believe is the true inventor of the telephone?
Antonio Mexico
What are three basic revenue sources for both mobile & online media…
1) paid content
2) advertising
3) e-commerce product sales
Who are the “Big Four” wireless providers…
Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, or T-Mobile
Games such as EverQuest that allow many players to join over the Internet
Massively Multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs)
What happened in January 2004?
The first federal law to address the spam problem took effect. This act required unsolicited commercial e-mail messages to be labeled (though not by a standard method) & to include opt-out instructions & the senders physical address. It authorized the FCC to establish a “do-not-e-mail” list similar to the “do not call” list that allows people to opt out of telemarketing calls.
This Act made it illegal to make “indecent communication” available to anyone under 18.
The Communications Decency Act of 1996
What are the 4 criteria library experts suggest to evaluate web pages used for research?