Chapter 10: E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods Flashcards
Advertising Revenue Model
Web site generating revenue by attracting a large audience.
Affiliate Revenue Model
An e-commerce revenue model in which Web sites are paid as “affiliates” for sending their visitors to other sites in return for a referral fee.
Behavioral Targeting
Tracking the click-streams (history of clicking behavior) of individuals across multiple Web sites for the purpose of understanding their interests and intentions, and exposing them to advertisements which are uniquely suited to their interests.
Business-To-Business (B2B)
Electronic sales of goods and services among businesses.
Business-To-Consumer (B2C)
Electronic retailing of products and services directly to individual consumers.
A kind of Web site hosting in which firm purchase or rent a physical server computer at a hosting company’s location in order to operate a Web site.
Community Providers
A Web site business model that creates a digital online environment where people with similar interests can transact (buy and sell goods); share interests, photos, videos; communicate with like-minded people; receive interest-related information; and even play out fantasies by adopting online personalities called avatars.
Consumer-To-Consumer (C2C)
Electronic commerce; consumers selling goods and services electronically to other consumers.
Cost Transparency
The ability of consumers to discover the actual costs merchants pay products.
Using large Internet audiences for advice, market feedback, new ideas and solutions to business problems. Related to the ‘wisdom of crowds’ theory.
The modification of a software package to meet an organization’s unique requirements without destroying the package software’s integrity.
Digital Goods
Goods that can be delivered over a digital network.
Direct Goods
Goods used in a production process, such as sheet steel for auto body production.
The removal of organizations or business process layers responsible for certain intermediary steps in a value chain.
Dynamic Pricing
Pricing of items based on real-time interactions between buyers and sellers that determine what an item is worth at any particular moment.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The direct computer-to-computer exchange between two organizations of standard business transactions, such as orders, shipment instructions, or payments.
Online retail stores from the giant Amazon to tiny local stores that have Web sites where retail goods are sold.
Third-party Net marketplace that is primarily transaction oriented and that connects many buyers and suppliers for spot purchasing.
Free/Freemium Revenue Model
Am e-commerce revenue model in which a firm offers basic services or content for free, while charging a premium for advanced or high value features.
Delivering ads to users based on their GPS location.
Geoinformation Services
Information on local places and things based on the GPS position of the user.
Geosocial Services
Social networking based on the GPS location of users.
Indirect Goods
All other goods not directly involved in the production process, such as office suppliers or products for maintenance and repair.