Chapter 10. Deployments Flashcards
Command to resize a deployment:
kubectl scale deployments kuard –replicas=2
What different strategies are supported by deployments ?
Command to get the status of a current deployment in progress:
kubectl rollout status deployments kuard
Command to get the history of rollouts associated with a deployment:
kubectl rollout history deployments kuard
Command to pause a rollout:
kubectl rollout pause deployments kuard
Command to resume a rollout
kubectl rollout resume deployments kuard
Command to obtain more information about a specific revision
kubectl rollout history deployment kuard –revision=2
Command to rollback a deployment
Kubectl rollout undo deployments kuard
Command to rollback to a specific revsion
kubectl rollout undo deployments kuard –to-revision=3
Property to limit the revision history
Which parameter is used to set a maximum of unavailable pods during rollout
Parameter to control the maximum amount of extra resources that need to be created to achieve a rollout
Parameter to establish the time that deployment must wait before moving into updating the next Pod
Parameter to establish when a deployment can be considered failed
Command to delete a deployment:
Imperative: kubectl delete deployments kuard
Declarative: kubectl delete -f kuard-deployment.yaml
Command to delete just a deployment:
kubectl delete deployments kuard –cascade=false