Chapter 10 Flashcards
Rites of passage
Rituals marking initiation into adulthood.
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Sixth Stage in Erikson’s theory and the major psychosocial task for young adults.
How much energy the body needs.
Low density lipoproteins
Chemicals that cause fatty deposits to accumulate in arteries, impeding blood flow.
High density lipoproteins
Chemicals that help keep arteries clear and break down LDSs (Low Density Lipoproteins).
Body Mass Index (BMI)
A ratio of body weight and height and is related to total body fat.
Structure of Intelligence
The organization of interrelated intellectual abilities.
Primary mental abilities
Groups of related intellectual skills (such as memory or spatial ability).
Secondary mental abilities
Broader intellectual skills that subdued and organize the primary abilities.
Fluid Intelligence
Abilities that make you a flexible adaptive thinker, allow you to make inferences, enable to understand the relations among concepts. (Young people)
Crystallized Intelligence
The knowledge you have acquired through life experience and education in a particular culture. (Old people)
Parietal-frontal integration theory
Theory that proposes that intelligence comes from a distributed and integrated network of neurons in the parietal and frontal lobes of the brain.