Chapter 10 Flashcards
Four Perspectives on Personality
-Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality, which emphasizes unconscious determinants of behavior, sexual and aggressive instinctual drives, and the enduring effects of early childhood experiences on later personality development
-The theoretical viewpoint on personality that generally emphasizes the inherent goodness of people, human potential, self-actualization, the self-concept, and healthy personality development
social cognitive
-Albert Bandura’s theory of personality, which emphasizes the importance of observational learning, conscious cognitive processes, social experiences, self-efficacy beliefs, and reciprocal determinism
-A theory of personality that focuses on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences in behavioral predispositions
Frued’s Personality Theory (figure 10.1)
-Rational, planful, mediating dimension of personality
-Moralistic, judgmental, perfectionist dimension of personality
-Irrational, illogical, impulsive dimension of personality
-Information in your immediate awareness
-Information that can easily be made conscious
-Thoughts, feelings, urges, and wishes that are difficult to bring to conscious awareness
Carl Roger’s Theory of Personality
-The set of perceptions and beliefs that you hold about yourself
conditional positive regard
-In Rogers’s theory, the sense that you will be valued and loved only if you behave in a way that is acceptable to others; conditional love or acceptance
unconditional positive regard
-In Rogers’s theory, the sense that you will be valued and loved even if you don’t conform to the standards and expectations of others; unconditional love or acceptance