Chapter 10 Flashcards
to a nerve cell _ represents _ , a molecule that slows down the nervous system, dialtes blood vessels and allows sleeo
of plyometric workouts per week
recommended rest period btwn sessions
48 to 72 hours
assessments during phase 2: 2
movement screens
core muscular endurance
ability to develop speed at high velocities an relies on a person’s reactive ability
speed strength
Muscle spindles sense differences in
Rate and magnitude of stretch being imposed on the muscle
Performance training phase will last
At least 4 weeks
best small group combination
people with similar fitness goals
1-3 sets per exercise
6-15 reps
Two or three non consecutive training days / week
Guidelines for youth resistance training: 3
spot training : 2
muscles can be spot trained
fat cannot be spot reduced
2 long-term adaptations to resistance training
increase in muscular strength
increase in muscle size - hypertrophy
upper body plyometric sets counted as
of hand contacts
of throws or catches
Anaerobic training causes shift number of muscle fibers from
Type IIa to type IIx
many people can complete 10 reps with _% of their 1-RM weightload
1-RM = 100lbs
100 x .75 = 10 reps at 75 lbs
free weights require
greater activation of joint stabilizing muscles
repetition range for enhancing muscular endurance is _ reps that fatigue muscle within _ seconds
12- 16 reps
75 - 100 seconds
muscle repair after strength training takes _ during which RMR is elevated
72 hours
example of 12 week training cycle
12 weeks = macrocycle
three mesocycles = 4 weeks each
two microcycles = 2 weeks each
in 10 weeks resistance training can decrease resting BP by:
3% SBP
4% DBP
distance from joint axis of rotation to the muscle tendon insertion point
muscle force arm
advantage to machine training: 2
proportionately provides resistance when more can ce lifted and less resistance is positions of lower force production
muscle isolation
_ muscular endurance increases as muscular strength increases
absolute muscular endurance
shorter limbs provide
leverage advantages over longer limbs
combination of strength training and aerobic exercise can improve
insulin sensitivity for patient with type 2 diabetes
if resistance training stops, person will lose their strength in
one-half the rate it was gained
begin with: bi-lateral, fixed level machines
progress to:
unilateral, free moving machines
Most important factor for muscular strength
Progressive resistance
Person attempts to lift as much weight as possible using movements that test speed Strength
Olympic lifting
work to recovery ratio for training circuit for muscular endurance
75 seconds work
15 seconds recovery
A response to resistance training resulting in increase of cross sectional area or size of the muscle
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
advanced exercisers should train _ times per week
client who should NOT use creatine:
creatine can boost muscle strength by:
decreased kidney function
client with a _ forearm can curl heavier dumbbell than client with a _ forearm
shorter, longer
Power can be defined as
Velocity of force production
training muscle to fatigue, then receiving manual assistance from a trainer in the lifting phase for 3-5 post fatigue reps
assisted training
*people are 40% stronger on the eccentric phase
in regard to training range of 8 -12 reps:
8 reps can be completed with _% maximal resistance
12 reps can be completed with _% maximal resistance
recommended sets for hypertrophy training
3-6 sets per exercise
More power production is produced in _ lifting than in _ lifting
cycles of 2-4 weeks, regular reinforcement making small steps
skill related parameters 6
power speed balance coordination agility reactivity
supplements that delay fatigue and can enhance muscle force and power output
- PH buffers in muscle tissue
B-alanine and sodium bi-carbonate
Equipment that requires contraction of stabilizer muscles to maintain proper posture
Triceps pull down
Lay pull down
Chest crossover
Overhead chops
basic strength training can add _ lbs of muscle in _ months
3 lbs
3 months
intensity for hypertrophy training
70 to 80% of max resistance
2 tools not recomended for lunges
resistance bands
training intensity for muscular endurance
60-70% of maximal resistance
preadolescent strength training most effective means
for young people to build bone density
frequency for hypertrophy training
split routines
six-day split
rep range for muscular strength
increase weightload by_% when _ reps can be completed
4-6 reps
5%, 7 reps
volume =
sets x reps
tendon insertion further from the joint axis =
longer muscle arm = able to lift heavier
regular strength training decreases 4
Frequency of agility drills
1-3 times per week
Non-consecutive days
health related parameters 5
aerobic power muscular endurance muscular strength flexibility body composition
people lose fat in the
reverse order that they accumulated the fat
distance from the joint axis of rotation to the resistance application point
resistance force arm
single linear jumps or hops
only plyometric jump with rest in between
10-15 reps
60-70% max resistance
Avoid holding breath to prevent increase in BP
Training older adults:3
recommended weightloads for muscular strength training
80-90% of 1-RM
Stretching shortening cycle
Eccentric contraction of a muscle followed by an immediate shortening (concentric contraction) of the same muscle
- plyometrics
supplement that has potential to increase strength, speed and recovery and prevent over training
workout that pairs opposing muscle groups and movement patterns with little rest time between sets
intermediate exercisers should train _ times per week
consistent training protocol WITHIN each microcycle that changes variables at the end of each microcycle
linear periodization
Adaptations to endurance and resistance training shift the number of fibers from
From type IIx to type IIa
if a client increases leg press performance with 200 lbs from 10 REPS TO 15 REPS, the client’s MUSCULAR ENDURANCE has increased
% increase in reps from 10
adults that lack resistance training lose _ lbs of muscle every _ years
3 lbs
6 years
Older clients can benefit from power training that emphasize _ and _ to help avoid _
Power and quickness
To help avoid falls
sequential goals leading to the ultimate goal of the macrocycle
time period
mesocycle - specific training goals
3 months each
progression to maximize strength development
progressive resistance
increase workload
concentric speed
eccentric speed
1-3 seconds
2-4 seconds
BMD increases _% as a result of resistance training
1% to 3%
sets 3-5
reps - 1-2
rest - 2-5 minutes
intensity - greater than 90% 1-RM
power single efforts
overload can increase muscular
give example
doing more push-ups with body weight
_phase of contraction triggers DOMS
2 hormones associated with tissue growth
Growth hormone
training with light resistance and fast movement speed results in _ power output
Breathing during concentric and eccentric phase
Concentric = exhale
Eccentric = inhale
disadvantage of circuit training
using lower weightloads - 40-60% of maximum
training with approximately _ of maximal resistance is highly effective for enhancing muscle hypertrophy
three-quarters of max resistance
plyometric guidelines low intensity
begin with: isolation exercises
progress to:
multijoint exercises
Prerequisites for performance training 7
Joint mobility and stability
Static and dynamic balance
effective core function
Anaerobic efficiency
No contraindications for load bearing or dynamic movements
No medical concerns that affect balance and motor skills
begin with: uniplanar movement machines
progress to:
multiplanar movement machines
rep range for hypertrophy training
6-12 reps
To improve agility
Progressively narrow base of support
in 20 years a woman will lose pounds of muscle
fat mass will _ by _ lbs
lean mass will decrease by _ pounds
10 lbs
FAT mass INCREASE by 10 lbs
LEAN mass will DECREASE by 10 lbs
Selectorized weight machines - weight stacks always move_
Exercise for these machines:
Trunk flexion, extension, rotation
Knee flexion, extension
Hip adduction, abduction
a woman that:
weighs 120 lbs
body fat 20%
her fat mass is:
her lean mass is:
fat mass: 120 x .20 = 24 lbs
lean mass: 120 x .80 = 96 lbs
_ muscular endurance maintains the same ratio to his or her maximal strength
relative muscular endurance
_hours of recovery time between exercises for the same muscle group
72 hours
Strength training enhances _ development in children
Increase in BMD in preadolescent girls who performed 10 weeks of resistance training
Four times
Slow twitch fibers activated at
Fast twice fibers activated at
Lower force levels
Higher force levels
plyometric landing - must land on
shortens time between
softly on mid-foot
eccentric and concentric contractions
caffeine has a _ effect, releasing glucose from the liver to fuel the _ response
glycogen sparing effect
fight or flight
10 reps to muscle fatigue will raise SBP _ above resting levels
SBP caution level during exercise
DBP caution level during exercise
35 to 50%
SBP 250
DBP 115 or greater
training with medium resistance and moderate to fast movement speed results in
highest power output and most effectively increases muscular power
prolonged amortization phase or too long of an eccentric phase results in: 2
reflexive potential negated
energy dissipates and is lost as heat
decreased power output
it is recommended to train each major muscle group _days/week
_ hours of recovery between sessions
2-3 days/week
48 hours
during the landing phase, cue client to : 2
keep their chest over their knees
nose over their toes
Amortization phase
this phase …
Period of time between the eccentric and concentric contractions
Should be kept to a minimum to produce the greatest amount of muscular force
performing 2 or more exercises for the same muscles in rapid succession
compound sets
ex: 3 sets of triceps push downs and 3 sets bench dips
reactive ability improved through
speed and agility drills
acute adaptations in the endocrine system to resistance training - 4 hormones that increase
cortisol, epinephrine, growth hormone and testosterone
progress to phase 3 when client is exercising with: 3
neutral posture
stable center of gravity
controlled movement speed
sets 2-3
reps - greater than 12
rest - greater than or = 30 seconds
intensity 60-70 % 1RM
muscular endurance
On a pound for pound basis quadriceps strength is almost _ between males and females
double progressive protocol (10-15 rep range)
1st progression
2nd progression
2nd progression increased when;
1st - adding reps
2nd - adding resistance in 5% increments
end-range number of reps can be completed with proper form
several weeks of strength training can result in:
muscle gained
fat lost
3 lbs muscle gained
4 lbs fat lost
loss of muscle tissue per decade in non-strength training individuals
reduction in RMR per decade
5 lbs
3% to 8%
sets 1-2
reps 8-15
rest 30-90 seconds
intensity varies
general muscle fitness:
alternative exercise to the barbell squat
leg press
Type of fiber that plays larger role in hypertrophy
Fast twitch type II
to perform plyometric drills client must:
squat 1.5 times their bodyweight
squat: 5 reps, 60% of body weight, in 5 seconds
in 10 weeks of resistance training:
muscle mass can increase by
RMR can increase
fat weight reduced by
1.4 kg
RMR 7%
1.8 kg
sets 2-6
reps - greater than 6
rest - 2-5 minutes
intensity 80-90% 1-RM
muscular strength
progression for body weight exercises - squats, push-ups, chin ups, dips
progressive repititions
increase number of reps
Volume for speed and agility training is determined by
Duration of time spent working in each energy system
overall time-frame for a specific periodization program
time period
macrocycle - progra time frame
6-12 months
caffeine causes these physiological responses: 5
pituitary releases adrenaline
HR and BP increases
pupils dialate
blood flow shunts to muscles
Muscles contract
total body workouts - frequency
2 times/week
During performance training the focus should be on:
With a taper in the _ and _ in exchange for _
Rate of force production
Volume and imtensity
Velocity of movement
creatine phosphate replenishment:
30 seconds
1 minute
2 minutes
30 seconds - 50%
1 minute - 75%
2 minutes - 95%
use of lighter weightloads and higher reps emphasizes _muscle fibers
type 1 muscle fibers
to provide progressive overload, resistance should be added _% when _ reps can be completed
12 reps
most important factor for attaining large muscle size
muscle length relative to bone length
sets 3-6
reps 6-12
rest 30-90 seconds
intensity 70-80 % 1RM
muscular hypertrophy
rest periods for muscular strength training
2-5 minutes
*single set workouts very time effective
acute physiological responses to resistance training: 3
nerve impulses are transmitted from CNS to motor units
creatine phosphate and glycogen used for fuel
lactate produced
plyometrics should be performed : 2
beginning of training session
after completion of dynamic warm up
begin with: supported machines
progress to:
unsupported machines
A progressive increase in the number of myofibrils within the muscle fiber is called _ and results in
Myofibrillar hypertrophy
Greater muscle contraction force
Recommended progression for muscle hypertrophy
Increase weight loss when 10-12 reps can be completed for all exercises completed in the body part workout
new exercisers should train _ times per week
rest between sets for muscular endurance
60 seconds or less
as long as the muscle is fatigued with _ seconds, light weights and high reps OR low reps and heavy weights will produce similar muscular response
90 seconds - within the anaerobic energy system
plyometric progression 5
crossover, cutting, curving
upper body plyometric drill:
power push up
medicine power ball push up
horizontal chest pass
supine vertical chest toss
Equipment that permit a powerful exercise action that does not stress the joint structures at the end of movement b/c resistance is released
Medicine balls
process of gradually adding more resistance than the muscle have previously encountered is referred to as
increase resistance in gradients of
highest intensity plyometric drill
hops and bounds
Powerlifting focuses on 3 lifts
Bench press
- slow movements
the product of muscular strength and movement speed
muscular power
different training protocols during each microcycle and changes variable at the end of each microcycle
undulating periodization
if a client INCREASES BENCH PRESS FROM 200 lbs to 250 lbs, the client has experienced a _% increase in MUSCULAR STRENGTH
% increase in weightload
frequency intensity repititions sets type of exercise
protein percentages in:
whey isolate
90% +
70 to 80%
ability to develop larger muscles =
longer muscles and shorter tendons
Benefits of training for performance
Development of lean muscle
Type II muscle fibers enhance muscle size and definition
in movement training phase _ sets per exercise is a good starting point
in obese individuals, body fat _ and _ muscle tissue and they tend to be much weaker
infiltrates and weakens
recommended movement speed per repetition
6 seconds
a woman who does not strength train loses _ pounds of muscle each year
0.5 pounds
during the movement training phase exercise _ should be emphasized over exercise _
Speed and agility drills
15-30 seconds, greater than 70% max effort
Greater than 10 seconds, greater than 90 % max effort
10-60 seconds, greater than 75-90 % max effort
Agility drills to improve leg mechanics for stride length and leg turnover
ABC drills
When a quick stretch is detected, muscle spindles respond by
Involuntary concentric contraction (stretch reflex) of the agonist muscle
Increase muscular force production
movement training assessments should be conducted
on a monthly basis until the client has mastered the squat, lunge, push, pull and rotation movements
during sleep, skeletal muscles are responsible for _% of the body’s calorie use
training the muscle to fatigue, then immediately reducing the resistance by 10-20% and training to fatigue
breakdown training
Growth hormone is highest in _ and decreases
Advancing age