Chapter 10 Flashcards
Plicatured Nail
Also known as folded nail is a type of highly curbed nail player usually caused by injury to the matrix
Nail Pterygium
Abnormal condition that occurs when the skin is stretched by the nail plate
Vertical lines running down the length of the natural nail plate
Splinter Hemorrhages
Caused by physical trauma or injury to the nail bed that damages the capillaries and allows all amounts of blood flow
Pincer Nail
Also known as trumpet nail . Increased crosswise curvature throughout the nail plate .
Beaus lines
Depression running across the width of the natural nail plate
Bruised nails
Dark purplish spots usually due to physical injury
Dis colored nails
Nails turn a variety of colors , may indicate surface staining , a systemic disorder or poor blood circulation
Eggshell nails
Noticeably thin , white plate more flexible than normal and can curve over the free edge
Living skin around the nail plate becomes split or torn
Leukonychia spots
White spots . Whitish discoloration of the nail
Darkening of the fingernails or toenails
Nail psoriasis
Pitting , roughness , onycholysis and bed discoloration
Bitten nail
Split or brittle nail