Chapter 10 Flashcards
ars, artis
skill, art (f)
causa, causae
cause, reason (f)
causā (+gen)
for the sake of, because of
grātia, grātiae
grace, favor, kindness
grātiā (+gen)
for the sake of, because of
grātiās agere (+dat)
to thank
ignis, ignis
fire (m)
mare, maris
sea (n)
mēns, mentis
mind, judgement, reason (f)
mors, mortis
death (f)
pars, partis
part, share, direction (f)
urbs, urbis
city (f)
ācer, ācris, ācre
sharp, fierce, eager
brevis, breve
brief, short
celer, celeris, celere
swift, quick, rapid
difficilis, difficile
dulcis, dulce
sweet, pleasant
facilis, facile
fēlix, fēlīcis
fortis, forte
brave, strong
ingēns, ingentis
huge, mighty
omnis, omne
all, every
potēns, potentis
powerful, able
ob (+acc)
because of
per (+acc)
through, along; because of
atque, ac
nec or neque
and not, and…not