Chapter 10-17 Flashcards
Leviticus priests. Prominence given in deuteronomic code. Needy class- all worship in Jerusalem.
Deuteronomoc code
Collection of laws that don’t deal with all circumstances. Criminal, civil and religious matters, often paralleling and modifying laws of the Penteteuch.
Teaching or instruction.
Can have precise instructions.
A divinely revealed body of teaching mediated through Moses.
Post-exilic: first 5 books & entire body of revelation including oral teaching
"Hear" Deut 6.4-9 Hear O Israel... Creed Mezuzah Phylacteries
Deuteronomistic History
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and Deuteronomy
Deut is a theological preface to the historic work that follows it.
Devoted to destruction
Herem- something prohibited
Referring to the spoils of war (Joshua), it means that which is set apart for yhwh as exclusively his. Applied to all cities in Canaan.
No king, but judge
Acted principally as military leaders
Local or tribal leaders who emerged in specific crises. Selected because of their ability
Moabites and Ammonites
Kingdoms whose territory was assigned to Gad and Reuben. Shared the “ban” with Israelites & history was a result of the favor or displeasure of god. Moabite king Mesha
One of the groups of “sea peoples” who menaced the coast if Egypt in 12th century bce. Settled on southeast coast of the Mediterranean. And vied for control of territory west of the Jordan.
United monarchy
The reigns of David and Solomon for most of the 10th century
Succession narrative
Explains how Solomon became David’s successor. “The court history of David”
2 Samuel 9-20 and 1 Kings 1-2
City of David
Did not come under Israelite control until captured by David. David made this the capital.
Temple of Solomon
Archeological evidence from early first millennium bce provides parallels not only for the tripartite longitudinal plan with it’s innermost chamber reserved for the deity and priests, but also a royal complex. 30x100’
Royal ideology
The king was chosen by God.
Suzerain and vassal
Father-son metaphor, adopted
The king was the mediator between god and people
Davidic covenant
God commits himself to the davidic dynasty. 1st it was conditional: if your sons keep my covenant, their sons forevermore shall sit on your throne. (Ps 132.12)
But then unconditional in 2 Sam 7.14-16: I will not take my steadfast love from him. God has chosen Jerusalem as god’s home and both would endure forever