Chapter 10 Flashcards
Who was the Ohio Republican U.S. Senate?
J.D. Vance
Who was the Representative in U.S. House?
Bob Latta
Who was the Ohio Democrat in U.S. Senate?
Sherrod Brown
Who was the State Rep. in General Assembly?
Jon Cross
Who was the State Senator in General Assembly?
Rob McColley
How has gerrymandering affected the number of seats at risk?
Only a handful are up for real contest in election
What is the main goal of gerrymandering?
create as many safe districts as possible
Who has the responsibility for drawing the congression districts in a state?
State Legislature
Who determines the number of congressional seats each state should have?
Census Bureau
how often is a redistribution of seats determined and after what event?
every ten years, census
Before the 17th amendment gave the voters control, who chose the US Senators?
State Legislature
what are the duties of congress?
to legislate, to represent constituents, to serve on committees
How did the 20th amendment affect congressional terms?
moved inauguration from march to January
What are the characteristics of the “Average” congress person?
white male, married, religious affiliation, legal background, went to college.
Legislative branch of the national government
All of the Senate seats are never up for election at the same time
Continuous body
two year congressional assignment
representatives who vote using independent judgments