Chapter 10 Flashcards
aerobic condition in meat spoilage
slime production: pseudomonas, micrococcus, streptococcus, achromobacter, bacillus
color change: production of h2o2
red -> green-brown/grey: leuconostoc, lactobacillus
anaerobic condition of meat spoilage
occurs on fatty surfaces where oxygen scavenging ability is less.
predominant flora: LAB
microbes: e.coli, clostridium, pseudomonas, achromobacter, proteus
LAB 10^7 -10^8, spoilge occurs
meat storage close to 0 degree c
slime production, sour/cheesy/acid odors (end of LAB), discoloration
little growth of enterobacteriaceae at low pH lean meat. kalo high pH and deket 5c, cepet
microbial spoilage of high pH meat occurs earlier (6-8 weeks) with sulphydryl, putrid, and faecal odors
enterobacteriaceae: serratia, enterobacter, hafnia
pother microbes: achromobacter, leuconostoc, pseudomonas, flavobacterium, lactobacillus, streptococcus
eggs spoilage
- sampe cloace tercemar
- salmonella enteriditis bahaya publik
- makin tua makin sering berak, muscle di dubur toned down
- contamination of gram negative bacteria: citrobacter, escheria, serratia, campylobacter, hafnia, proteus, salmonella, enterobacter
milk spoilage
normal: 10^3
cows with mastitis: 10^5 (including corynebacterium, staphylococcus spp, streptococcus spp, enterobacteriaceae)
external: more than 10^6
growth of mo in refrigrerated milk (<5c 24-48 hour) is predominated by psychrotrophs mo
gram negative: pseudomonas, alcaligenes, flavobacterium, alcaligenes, acinetobacter
gram positive:
bacillus, enterococci.
bacteria reaches 10^8 CFU/mL, masuk ke stationary phase, many strain excreate heat stable extracellular proteases and lipases, primary spoilage of enzymes of milk, sensoric changes detected
- acid production
streptococcus lactase, s. faecalis, bacillus calidolactis - gas production
foam at milk surface RTP e. coli, refrigerated: clostridium/bacillus - decomposition of protein
hydrolysis of milk protein bitter flavor (formation of polypeptide). proteolytic: pseudomonas, flavobacteriym, achromobacter, alcaliegenes, proteus, bacillus, micrococcus, serratia, clostridium - slime formation by bacteria
low temperature for a long time
type of slime formation: surface alcaliegenes, micrococcus
whole: aerobacter aerogenes, streptococcus, L.casei, e.coli, l. bulgaricus, l. plantarum - alcali formation
bacterua causes alcali reaction production of amonia (dri urea, carbs, organic acid). p. fluorecens, p. trifolii, a. viscolactis, micrococcus ureae - off-flavor
- acidity: s. lactis, leuconostoc, clostridium
- bitter: proteolytic
- caramel flavor: s. lactis
seafood spoilage signs
slime, discoloration, softening, off odors, gas production. determined by commensal flora and storage conditions
specific spoilage organisms of seafood (SSO2) belongs to psychotrophic group
produces off odours and off flavours associated with spoilage
typical spoilage microorganisms of seafood
pseudomonas, shewanella, s. putrefaciens (produces TMA< H2S, volatile sulphides jd bau fishy sulphides and cabbage), moraxella, acinetobacter, flavobacterium
bacteria predominates vegetables (aeorbic mesophilic bacteria)
gram negative
specific spoilage of vegetables
soft rots (protopectinase) by bacteria bacillus, clostridium, erwinia, pseudomonas
grey spot: botrytis cinerea
blue spot: penicillium
pink spot: trichothecium roseum
green spot: cladosporium, trichiderma
specific spoilage of fruits
- blue mould spoilage: penicillium (grapes, orange)
- grey mould spoilage:
botrytis cinerea, mucor (grapes, strawberries) - black mould spoilage: cladosporium (apricot, cherries, peach)
yeast in fruits grow in low pH and anaerobic condition.
their growth is supported by production of co2, alcohol, turbidity, flocculation, pellicles, and clearing of the product (destruction of the natural pectin by pectin esterase)
spoilage in cereal grains is mold growing on surface
most common:
- aspergillus, mucor, fusarium, penicillium, rhizopus
fusarium, alternaria, cladosporium
penicillum, aspergillus, euratium, wallenia
aspergillus flavus can attack corn in the field and at storafe
field infection results in aflatoxin production prior to harvest. greenish-yellow to yellowish-brown, or powdery mould growth on or between corn kernels
spoilage in nuts and oilseeds aspergillus niger and flavus can survive in peanut seed and soil
a. nger sooty black massess, flavus yellow green spores
aspergillus (tamari and niger), penicillium are important lipolytic moulds. rhyzopus may also be important at higher Aw in cereals and nuts
ravages of pests may lead to secondary invasion in cereals and nuts
white wheat flour is bleached by an oxidising agent such as oxide of nitrogen, chlorine, nitrosyl chloride, or benzoyl peroxide
reduces microbial load
to prevent growth of microorganism, moisture content has to be <13%
mechanism of spoilage in flour
slight moistening of white flour jd tumbuh molds -> if acid bacteria forming present, acid fermentation begins followed by alcoholic fermentation by yeast, acetic acid fermentation by acetobacter, kalo LAB absent, micrococci is found