Chapter 1 - Why a Course in Human Sexuality? Flashcards
Most young people turn to (1) ______ and (2) ______ for information about sex, but much of what they learn is incorrect.
(1) their friends and (2) the media
Surveys indicate that more than (3) _______ % of Americans favor sexuality education in school.
(3) 85
Sex is only a part of (4) ______ , which encompasses all of the sexual attitudes, feelings, and behaviors associated with being human.
(4) sexuality
The idea that the primary purpose of sex is for procreation ( to have children ) originally came from (5) ______, but they also had a very positive attitude about their bodies and sexual pleasure between husbands and wives.
(5) the biblical Hebrews
The early (6) ______ affirmed the procreational purpose of sex, but completely denied its pleasurable aspects.
(6) Christians
The biggest proponent of this view within Christianity was (7) ______.
(7) Saint Augustine
In Western culture, negative attitudes about sex reached their zenith during the reign of (8) _______ of England.
(8) Queen Victoria
With the availability of (9) _______ during World War II and the marketing of (10) __________ in 1960, the United States entered the sexual revolution.
(9) penicillin
(10) the birth control pill and IUD
The manner in which society shapes behaviors and attitudes is called (11) ______.
(11) socialization
There is probably no other socializing agent with as much of an impact on young people’s sexual attitudes and behaviors as (12) ______, especially television.
(12) the media
Many advertisements, whether on television or in magazines, provide little product information, but instead use sex to sell their products in a process called (13) ______.
(13) identification
(14) ______, who emphasized the sexuality of all people, including children, and (15) ______, who published seven volumes about the psychology of sex, were two researchers of the Victorian era who attempted to counter anti-sexual attitudes.
(14) Sigmund Freud
(15) Henry Havelock Ellis
The first large-scale surveys were done by (16) ______ in the 1940s and early 1950s.
(16) Alfred Kinsey
(17) ______ published their physiological investigations of human sexual behavior in 1966.
(17) Masters and Johnsons
- The Old Testament presents a positive view of sex within marriage.
- American sexual behaviors are considered to be the norm by the rest of the world.
- Because AIDS, all states now require that public schools offer education about sexually transmitted infections.
- The larger the number of people in a survey, the more accurate it always is.
- All cultures consider the women’s breasts to be highly erotic.
- Kissing is one sexual behavior that is done worldwide.
- One good method of obtaining a random sample is to randomly pick names from a phone book.
- Half of all Americans will get at least one sexually transmitted infection in their lifetime.
- Over half of all American teenagers have had sexual intercourse by the time they graduate from high school.
- The era of permissiveness known as the “sexual revolution” started during the Victorian era.
- Kinsey’s surveys are good example of the use of random sampling techniques.
- A strong positive correlation between two variables is evidence of a cause and effect relationship.
- Starting in the 1990s, there has been a decline in the percentage of teenagers engaging in sexual intercourse and in teenage pregnancies.
- According to historian Phillipe Aries, the idea of childhood did not exist in medieval society.
- The biological immaturity of children is an irrefutable fact, but childhood is a social concept.
- In some cultures girls are expected to marry and begin having intercourse before puberty.
- School based sexuality education is socializing agent.
- Children who watch a lot of television shows with sexual content are no more likely than others to have begun sexual intercourse.
- In a controlled experiment, teenagers who had just watched television shows with a lot of sexual content gave more negative ratings to casual sex than teens who had not watched the programs.
- A Victorian era physician who emphasized the sexuality of children and adults.
Sigmund Freud
38.He viewed sex for procreation as an unpleasant necessity and equated guilt with sexual desire.
Saint Augustine
- Conducted the first large scale physiological study of human sexual behavior.
Masters and Johnson
- They believed that the purpose of sex was for procreation, but had a very positive attitude about sexual relations between a husband and wife.
biblical Hebrews
- They believed in an ascetic philosophy: Wisdom and virtue come from denying physical pleasures.
ancient Greeks
- He conducted the first large scale survey of American sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Alfred Kinsey
- A Victorian-era sex researcher with a tolerant attitude about sexuality.
Henry Havelock Ellis
- They held anti sexual attitudes that were reinforced by the mistaken medical beliefs of that time.
- He headed the first survey of a nationally representative sample of adults living in households.
Edward Laumann
- Anthropologists believe the most sexually repressed society in the world to be the _______.
Inis Baeg
- Four important influences that led to the sexual revolution were (a) ______, (b) ______, (c) ______, and (d) ______.
(A) leisure time
(B) mobility
(C) birth control
(D) antibiotics
- A random sample is properly defined as a sample drawn from a population in a manner so that __________ has an equal chance of being selected.
Each possible sample of that size
- ______ believed that intellectual love could lead to immortality.
- A major influence in early Christian thought was the Greek philosophy of dualism, which separated _____ and ______.
Body and soul
- Victorian physicians called nocturnal emissions _______ because they believed they were caused by the same thing that causes gonorrhea.
- In the National Health and Social Life Survey, “sex” or “had sex” was defined as _______.
Any mutually voluntary activity with another person that involves genital contact
- ______ has been called “the most powerful storyteller in American culture, one that continually repeats the myths and ideologies, the facts and patterns of relationships that define our world and legitimize the social order” (Brown, 2002).