Chapter 1: What Is Business Flashcards
Identify the three major factors that are impacting business today
- Global
- Information technology
- Ethics
Summarize the evolution of business in the United States and explain the key issues that are impacting its outlook for the future.
- Industrial revolution
- The railroad era
- The assembly line era
- The globalization era
Define Business
Those organizations that try to create value for the customer.
What is profit?
The difference between revenue (income or sales) and expenditure (cost of goods or services sold).
What is a Not for profit business?
Organizations whose primary objective is to provide goods and services to society without the goal of making a profit.
What is risk?
the probability that the business will fail.
Define factory system.
A method of mass production in which raw materials, machinery, and labor are brought together in large volumes in one location to produce goods less expensively than in dispersed locations
Specialization of Labor
Grouping employees to work on assigned tasks on the basis of their specific skills and factory demand
Define Laissez Faire
The economic doctrine that advocates total government inaction in business, so businesses are free to do what and as they please.
What is market domination?
A strategy of either acquiring competitors or colluding with them to control product prices and prevent new competitors from entering the market
What are anti-trust policies?
Government laws designed to break up monopolies and control monopoly abuses by business?
What is globalization?
globalization The process of integrating the market for goods and services worldwide
What is the new economy?
An economy largely driven by developments in information technology and the Internet
What are knowledge workers?
Employees whose jobs require formal and advanced schooling
What are economic resources?
Land, labor, capital, and technology that are scarce
What is the free enterprise or capitalist society?
capitalism The economic system that is based on private property rights, the free market system, the pursuit of self-interest, the freedom to choose, and the ability to borrow money.
What is the free market system?
The economic system in which consumers demand certain goods and services and are willing to pay a price based on their budget, and producers are willing to supply the goods and services on the basis of a price that will cover their costs and provide a profit margin.
What is the theory of law and demand?
The statement, which appears to hold, that consumers will buy more when prices fall and less when prices increase.
What is the demand curve?
The curve that shows the relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a product or service for a particular customer, group of consumers, or even a whole country (It is downward sloping.)
What is the price inelastic demand?
The demand where significant increases in the price of a product or service will have little effect on the quantity of the product or service demanded
What is the price elastic demand?
The demand where a small change in the price will have a significant impact on the quantity demanded of a product or service
What is the theory or law of supply?
The statement, which appears to hold, that producers will be willing to sell more when prices rise and less when prices fall
What is the supply curve?
The curve that shows the relationship between the quantity supplied and the price of a product or service (It is upward sloping.)
What is the price inelastic supply?
The supply where a large change in the price will have little impact on the quantity of a good or service supplied by the producer
What is the price elastic supply?
The supply where a small change in the price will bring about significant increases in the quantity of a product or service supplied by the producer.
What is market clearing or equilibrium price?
The price at which supply will equal demand
What is shortage?
The amount of a good or service that will not be available when the price of the good or service is set below the equilibrium price (Demand will exceed supply.)
What is surplus?
The amount of a good or service that will not be sold when the price of the good or service is set above the equilibrium price (Supply will exceed demand.)
What is the product life cycle?
The theory that explains the different stages—introduction, growth, maturity, and decline—that a product goes through before it fades away.
What is market structure?
The organization of an industry determined by the level of competition within the industry.
What is pure competition?
The industry market structure in which a large number of suppliers produce essentially identical products, which are sold at a price determined by the market