Chapter 1- What is Biomechanics Flashcards
What is Biomechanics?
Bio means…
Mechanics is…
Application of mechanical principles in the study of living organisms.
Bio = Life
Mechanics = Study of the action of forces
What is Static?
Study of systems that are in a state of being either at rest or in constant moving velocity. State of Equilibrium
What is Dynamic?
Study of systems that are in a state of acceleration or changing motion. State of acceleration.
What is Kinetics?
Forces that inhibit, cause, or modify motion of a body
For example: friction, gravity, pressure, lift, drag, etc.
What is Kinematics?
Description of the forces
For example: displacement, time, velocity, etc.
What is anthropometrics?
Terms that considers size, shape, and weight of BODY SEGMENTS
Can be advantageous. For example: longer legs for running, larger wingspan for basketball players, etc.
What is Occupational Biomechanics
Serves as the foundation of assessing, implementing, and evaluating physical methods tailored for employees to fulfill duties and tasks against the prospect of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative
Qualitative pertains to quality (strong, skillful, agile, fast, flexible, etc.)
Quantitative pertains to numbers (45 mph, 35 pounds, etc.)
What are exoskeletons?
Devices that attach externally to the human body to assist with movement capabilities.
What is Kinesiology?
Study of human movement
What is Sports Medicine?
Clinical and scientific aspects of sports excercise
What is Inference?
The process of forming deductions from available information
English VS Metric System
English: system of weights and measurements developed in England but used in the US
Metric: system of weights and measurements used internationally in scientific applications and adopted by every major country except the US
Distance =
Time =
Speed =
D = S X T
T = D / S
S = D / T
Osteoporosis Percentages: % of women after the age of 50
% of men and women after the age of 60
40% of women after the age of 50
90% of men and women after the age of 60