Chapter 1 Vocab Adam Farid Flashcards
What is Poverty?
A condition in which people cannot meet their basic needs for adequate food, clothing, shelter education or health. One in four people live in extreme poverty in the world. Poverty is having per capita income of $2 a day.
What are countries with complex industrialized bases, low rates of population growth, and high per capita income?
Highly Developed Countries such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and most of Europe.
What are developing countries with a medium level of industrialization and average per capita incomes that are lower than those of highly developed countries?
Moderately Developed Countries such as Mexico, Turkey, South Africa, and Thailand.
What are developing countries with a low level of industrialization, a high fertility rate, a high infant mortality rate, and a very low per capita rate income?
Less Developed Countries such as Bangladesh, Mali, Ethiopia, and Laos.
What are nonrenewable resources?
Minerals and fossil fuels which are limited supplies. They do not replenish.
What are renewable resources?
Nature replaces these fairly rapidly. Includes trees, fish, agricultural soil, and fresh water.
What is an ecological footprint?
An amount of productive land, fresh water, and ocean required on a continuous basis to supply that person food, wood, energy, water housing, clothing, transportation, and waste disposal.
What is people overpopulation?
A situation in which there are too many people in a given geographic area.
What is consumption overpopulation?
A situation that occurs when each individual in a population consumes too large a share of resources.
What is a model?
A representation of a system; describes the system as it exists and predicts how changes in one part of the system will affect the rest of the system.
What is environmental sustainability?
The ability to meet the current human need for natural resources without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
What are global commons?
Those parts of our environment available to everyone but for which no single individual has responsibility - the atmosphere , fresh water, forests, wildlife, and ocean fisheries.
What is stewardship?
Shared responsibility for the sustainable care of our planet.
What is sustainable devlopment?
Economic development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What is environmental science?
The interdisciplinary study of humanity’s relationship with other organisms and the nonliving physical environment.
What are systems?
A set of components that interact and function as a whole.
What is a negative feedback mechanism?
A change in some condition triggers a response that counteracts the changed condition.
What is a positive feedback mechanism?
A change in some condition triggers a response that intensifies the changing condition.
What is science?
A body of knowledge about the natural world.
What is data?
The data with which science works.
What is a scientific method?
The way a scientist approaches a problem by formulating a hypothesis and then testing it by by means of an experiment.
What is a variable?
Each factor that influences a process.
What is a theory?
An integrated explanation of numerous hypotheses, each supported by a large body of observations and experiments and evaluated by the review process.
What is inductive reasoning?
Discovering general principles by carefully examining specific cases.
What is an ecosystem?
A natural system of a community of organisms and its physical environment.
What is a dynamic equilibrium?
The rate of change in one direction is the same as the rate of change in the opposite direction.