Chapter 1 Vocab Flashcards
Being obliged to explain one’s actions to justify what ones does; the requirement for government to answer to its citizenry- to justify the raising of public resources and expenditures of those resources
term in gasb standards to describe required government wide and fund financial statements
basic financial statements
a government’s annual report that contains three sections- introductory, financial, and statistical. A CAFR provides financial infomration beyond general purpose external financial statemnets and conforms to guidance of gasb
Comprehensive annual financial report
Donor sitpulations that specify use for a contributed asset that is more specific than broad limits resulting from the nature of the not for profit entity, the environment in which it operates, or the purposes specified in its articles of incorporation of bylaws
donor imposed restrictions
The nine members standards setting body that recommends federal governmental accounting and financia reporting standards to the us comptroller general, secretary of treasury, and director of management and budget
the designated organization in the private sector for establishing standards of financial accounting and reporting since 1973
Current period financial position and budgetary compliance reported in fund type financial statements of governments
fiscal accountability
category of the basic financial statements that assist in assessing fiscal accountability.
Fund financial statements
Governments that provide many categories of services to their residents, such as states, counties, municipalities, and
townships. Typical services include public safety, road maintenance, and health and welfare.
General purpose government
The body of accounting and financial reporting standards, conventions, and practices that have authoritative support
from standards setting bodies such as the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting
Standards Board, or for which a degree of consensus exists among accounting professionals at a given point in time.
Generally accepted accounting principles are continually evolving as changes occur in the reporting environment.
Two statements prescribed by GASB standards designed to provide a highly aggregated overview of a government’s
net position and results of financial activities.
government wide financial statements
The independent agency established under the Financial Accounting Foundation in 1984 as the official body
designated by the AICPA to set accounting and financial reporting standards for state and local governments.
A term coined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board indicating the extent to which current period
revenues are adequate to pay for current period services.
interperiod equity
Narrative information, in addition to the basic financial statements, in which management provides a brief, objective,
and easily readable analysis of the government’s financial performance for the year and its financial position at year
end. An MD&A is required for state and local governments and federal agencies.
Management discussion and analysis
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, required for use by governmental funds (q.v.), revenues are
recognized in the period in which they become available and measurable, and expenditures are recognized at the
time a liability is incurred pursuant to appropriation authority.
Modified accrual basis