Chapter 1 - Verbs Flashcards
Repasar algo [10]
to go through sth, check over sth (to look at sth or examine sth carefully, especially in order to find sth)
Derramarse + adv./prep. [15]
to spread + adv./prep. (to cover a larger and larger area)
Estar dispuesto a hacer algo [12]
to be ready and willing to do sth (be prepared to do sth)
Empaparse + de algo [13]
to take it all in; soak it all up (to take sth into the mind and fully learn/understand it); get absorbed in sth, get steeped in sth (to spend a lot of time thinking or learning about sth)
Rodear algo [14]
to go around sth, walk around sth (to move from one side of sth to the other)
Albergar algo [9]
to house sth, be home to sth (to be the place where sth is kept or where sth operates from)
Coleccionar algo [12]
to collect sth (to buy or find things of a particular type and keep them as a hobby)
Oler + adj./a algo [10]
to smell + adj./like/of sth (to have a particular smell)
Tragar saliva [11]
to bite your tongue, swallow your feelings (to stop yourself from saying sth or defending yourself because it might upset sb or cause an argument, although you want to speak)
Hacer ademán de hacer algo [10]
to motion as if to do sth, make a move to do sth (to make a movement, usually with your hand or head to show sb what you are about to do)
Restar + (para alguien) hacer algo [15]
to be left, to remain (to still be present after the other parts have been removed, used, etc.; to continue to exist; to still need to be done, said, or dealt with)
Prometer + algo; hacer algo; que; alguien que; algo a alguien; a sí mismo [14]
to promise sth; to do sth; that; sb that; sth to sb; yourself sth; (sb) + speech (to tell sb that you will definitely do or not do sth, or that sth will definitely happen)
Confundirse con algo [9]
to merge into sth, disappear into sth (if sth merges into another, the differences b/w them gradually disappear so that it is impossible to separate them)
Alzarse + adv./prep. [9]
to stand, be situated, + adv./prep. (to be in a particular place)
Perderse en algo [15]
to fade away into sth (to disappear gradually)
Reclinarse + adv./prep. [10]
to lean back + adv./prep. (to bend or move your body backwards from a vertical position)
Recurrir a alguien [14]
to turn to sb (to go to sb/sth for help, advice, etc.)
Apostarse algo + en algo [12]
to bet sth on sth, gamble sth on sth (to risk losing sth important, i.e. money, reputation, or future, on sth in the hope of being successful)
Dar a alguien las ganas de hacer algo [13]
to feel like doing sth (to have the urge to do sth)
Proceder de alguien [11]
to belong to, come from (be a descendant of, be related to person/people who lived a long time ago)
Depender de algo/alguien; cómo, qué, etc. [15]
to depend on sth/sb; how, what, etc. (to be affected by or decided by sth)
Suspirar [10]
to sigh (to take and then let out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are disappointed, sad, tired, etc.)
Colocar algo + adv./prep. [14]
to place sth + adv./prep. (to put sth in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately)
Anhelar algo [9]
to long for sth, yearn for sth (to want sth very much, especially when it is very difficult to get)
Hacer falta (a alguien) hacer algo [11]
to be necessary (for sb/sth) to do sth, to need to do sth (that is needed for a purpose or a reason)
Encogerse de hombros [11]
to shrug one’s shoulders (to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about sth)
Publicar algo [13]
to publish sth (to print a letter, article, etc. in a newspaper or magazine)
Lanzar a alguien a las garras de alguien [12]
to throw sb into the arms of sb else
Incorporarse [10]
to sit up (to move yourself into a sitting position, rather than lying down or leaning back)
Exprimir algo de alguien/algo [15]
to squeeze sth out of sb/sth (to get liquid out of sth by pressing or twisting it hard; also used figuratively)
Antojarsele hacer algo [15]
to feel like doing sth (have the urge to do sth)
Ametrallar algo a algo [10]
to pepper sth with sth (to include large numbers of sth in sth)
Rezumar algo (9)
to exude sth, ooze sth (if sth exudes a liquid or smell, the liquid or smell comes out from it slowly)
Conseguir que alguien/algo haga algo [9]
to get sb/sth to do sth (to make, persuade, etc. sb/sth to do sth)
Advertir + algo/a alguien; que; cómo, qué, etc.; algo/a alguien hacer algo; algo/a alguien haciendo algo [10]
to notice sb/sth; that; how, what, etc.; sb/sth do sth; sb/sth doing sth. (to see or hear sb/sth; to become aware of sb/sth)
Defraudar a alguien [15]
to disappoint sb, let down sb (to make sb feel sad because sth that they hope for or expect to happen does not happen or is not as good as they hoped)
Regalar algo a alguien [13]
to gift sth to sb (to give sb sth as a gift)
Deslizar algo + adv./prep. [15]
to slip sth + adv./prep. (to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly, or secretly)
Disponerse a hacer algo [14]
to get ready to do sth, to prepare to do sth
Entregar algo [15]
to turn in sth, hand in sth (to give sth to sb in authority; to give sth back that you no longer need)
Asentir [13]
to nod (to incline one’s head in a signal of agreement to what has just been said to you or requested)
Destacar + por algo [11]
to stand out for sth (to be much better or more important than sb/sth because of sth)
Tener a bien hacer algo [10]
to see fit to do sth (to consider it right or acceptable to do sth; to decide or choose to do sth)
Hincar el diente a/en algo [11]
to come to grips with sth (to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult)
Arrancar algo + de algo [15]
to tear out/off, to rip out/off sth from sth (to remove sth from sth else by pulling it roughly or violently)
Convocar a alguien a algo [10]
to summon sb to sth, call sb to sth (to order sb to come to you)
Andarse con alguien [10]
to associate with sb (to spend time with sb, especially a person or people that sb else does not approve of)
Marear a alguien [12]
to irritate sb, annoy sb, bother sb (to make sb slightly angry)
Suscribir algo [10]
to subscribe to sth, believe in sth (to agree with or support an opinion, a theory, etc.)
Levantar la vista de algo [10]
to look up from sth (to raise your eyes when you are looking down at sth)
Dictaminar + algo; qué, si, etc.; que [14]
to determine, establish sth; what, whether, etc.; that (to discover the facts about sth; calculate sth exactly)
Arrepentirse de hacer algo [13]
to regret doing sth (to feel sorry about sth you have done or about sth that you have not been able to do)
Sospechar + algo; que; alguien de algo [13]
to suspect sth; that; sb of sth. (to have an idea sth is probably true or likely to happen, especially sth bad, but without having definite proof; to have an idea that sb is guilty of sth, without having definite proof)
Publicitar algo + como algo [14]
to advertise sth, promote sth as sth (to tell the public about a product or service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it)
Subsanar algo [14]
to resolve sth, settle sth (to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty)
Contar con alguien; con que algo ocurra; con que alguien haga algo; tener algo [14]
to count on sb; sth happening; sb doing sth; having sth (to trust sb to do sth or to be sure that sth will happen)
Confiar en que + algo/alguien sea así [11]
to trust that (to hope and expect that sth is true)
Proceder a hacer algo [15]
to proceed to do sth, to move on to do sth (to do sth next, after having done sth else first)
Huir de algo/alguien [15]
to escape from sth/sb, run away from sth/sb, flee sb/sth (to leave a person or place very quickly, especially because you are afraid of possible danger)
Estimar + oportuno, necesario, justo + hacer algo [13]
to consider it + ok, necessary, fair + to do sth (to think of sth in a specific way, have an opinion about sth)
Asegurar a alguien que [13]
to assure sb that (to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it)
A qué te refieres?
Me refiero a que . . .
Me refiero a ti/él/etc. [11]
what do you mean? What I mean is that (to intend to say sth on a particular occasion)
Pillarlo, Pillar la idea [11]
to get it, get the idea (to understand the concept, the purpose, or goal of sth)
Embalarse + adv./prep. [13]
to run off, dash off, rush off + adv./prep. (to go somewhere very quickly)
Ignorar algo/a alguien [10]
to ignore sth/sb, disregard sth/sb (to pay no attention to sb/sth; to pretend that you have not seen sb or that sb is not there)
Sustituir algo por algo [13]
to substitute sth for sth, to replace sth with sth (to take the place of sb/sth else; to use sb/sth instead of sb/sth else)
Apuntar a alguien a algo [10]
to sign sb up for sth, put sb’s name down for sth (to record sb for a job, position, or responsibility)
Adentrarse en algo [10]
to go into sth, go inside sth (to enter a room, house, etc.)
Mirar a alguien de reojo [10]
to look at sb out of the corner of one’s eye (to see sth not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it)
Conspirar + para hacer algo; para que algo pase; contra alguien [14]
to conspire + so that sth happens; to do sth; against sb ( -events- to seem to work together to make sth bad happen)
Dejar caer algo + adv./prep. [10]
to drop sth, let go of sth + adv./prep. (to fall or make sth fall deliberately)
Carcomer algo [9]
to eat away at sth, erode sth (to reduce or destroy sth gradually)
Reincidir + en algo [10]
to relapse into sth (to go back into a previous condition or into a worse state after making an improvement)
Tener pavor a alguien [10]
to be afraid of sb
Coger algo [15]
to get sth, to grab sth, to take sth, to pick up sth (to take hold of sth)
Agotar algo [15]
to use up sth (to use all of sth so that there is none left)
Conjurar algo [15]
to conjure up sth, imagine sth, evoke sth (to bring a feeling, a memory, or an image into your mind)
Latir + adv./prep. [14]
to lie, to lie hidden, to lurk + adv./prep. (to be located or spread out in a particular place)
Aproximarse a algo/alguien [15]
to approach sth/sb (to come near to sb/sth in distance or time)
Corretear + por algo [12]
to run around sth, travel around sth (to move around an area)
Recabar a alguien + adv./prep. [14]
to gather sb + adv./prep. (to bring people together in one place to form a group)
Murmurar [10]
to murmur (to say sth in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand)
Tejer algo [10]
to create sth, form sth (to bring sth into existence)
Figurar de cuerpo presente [14]
to be physically present
Resultar + adj. [14]
to turn out to be + adj. (to be discovered to be; to prove to be)
Atreverse a hacer algo [16]
to dare to do sth (be brave enough to do sth)
Sostener la mirada de alguien [16]
to hold someone’s gaze (to continue looking at sb who is looking at you)
Prender algo [16]
to turn on, switch on (to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc.)
Traicionar algo [16]
to give sth/sb away (to make known sth that sb wants to keep secret)
Dejar algo/a alguien + adv./prep. [16]
to leave sth/sb + adv./prep. (to go away from a place without taking sth/sb with you)
Escudarse en algo [16]
to hide behind sth (to use sth as a way of preventing people from discovering information about you)
Levantarse [16]
to get up (to stand up after sitting, lying, etc.; to get out of bed)
Partir + de algo; para algo [16]
to leave, to leave sth, to leave for sth (to go away from a person or a place)
Ver + algo/a alguien; que; qué, cómo, etc.; a alguien/algo + adj.; a alguien/algo haciendo algo; a alguien/algo hacer algo [16]
to see + sb/sth; that; what, how, etc.; sb/sth + adj.; sb/sth doing sth; sb/sth do sth. (to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes)
Alejarse + de algo; hacia algo [16]
to leave, to leave sth, to head for sth (to go away from a person or a place)
No saber si hacer uno o hacer otro [16]
to not know whether to do one thing or another (to not be certain about sth)
Echar a hacer algo [16]
to break out doing sth (to start sth suddenly)
Esperar algo/a alguien [16]
to wait for sth/sb (to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens)
Haga el favor de hacer algo [16]
Would you mind doing sth? (used to ask sb in a polite way to do sth for you)
Arrastrarse + adv./prep. [16]
to crawl (to move forward very slowly)
Encoger [16]
to shrink (to become smaller in size or amount)
No tener más remedio que hacer algo [16]
to not have any other choice but to do sth ( to do sth because you lost the privilege to choose)
Asomar la cara [16]
to poke your head inside (to lean your head into a building or room)
Levantar la mirada [16]
to look up (to raise your eyes when you are looking down at sth)
Tomar algo [16]
to take sth, to grab sth, to pick up sth (to grab hold of sth)
Devolver algo a alguien [16]
to give sth back to sb (to allow sb to have sth again)
Darse la vuelta + hacia algo [16]
to turn around + to face sth (to change position or direction so as to face the other way)
Bajar algo a algo [16]
to take sth down to sth (to carry or move sth from one place to another, one that is situated below/underneath)
Volverse + hacia algo [16]
to turn around + to face sth (to change position or direction so as to face the other way)
Contar algo [16]
to count sth (to calculate the total number of people, things, etc. in a particular group)
Sugerir a alguien que haga algo [17]
to suggest sb do sth (to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about)
Tratar bien/mal a alguien; a alguien con algo; como algo [17]
to treat sb well/poorly; with sth; like sth (to behave in a particular way toward sb/sth)
Preparar algo para alguien [17]
to prepare sth for sb (to make sth ready for sb else to use)
Dormirse a alguien [17]
to slack off on sb (to do sth for sb more slowly or with less energy than before, than you usually do, or than you should do)
Tender la mano a alguien [17]
to extend your hand out to sb else (to stretch your hand away from yourself and out toward another in preparation for a handshake)
Estrechar la mano a alguien [17]
to shake sb’s hand (to take sb’s hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about sth)
Fallar a alguien [17]
to fail sb (to disappoint sb; to be unable to help when needed)
Enseñar a alguien a hacer algo; cómo, qué, etc. [17]
to teach sb to do sth; how, what, etc. (to show sb how to do sth so that they will be able to do it themselves)
Invadir a alguien [17]
to overwhelm sb; be overwhelmed by sth (to have such a strong emotional effect on sb that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react)
Clavar la mirada a alguien [17]
to meet sb’s gaze (to look directly at sb who is looking at you)
Señalar algo/a alguien [17]
to point at/to/towards sth/sb (to stretch out your finger or sth held in your hand towards sb/sth in order to show sb where a person or thing is)
Ocupar algo [18]
to sit in/at sth (to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical, for example on/in a chair, or at desk/table)
Encontrar algo/ a alguien [18]
to find sth (to discover sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance)
Mecanografiar algo [18]
to type sth (to write sth using a computer)
Llegar + a algo [18]
to arrive at sth (to get to a place, especially at the end of a journey)
Quedarse + adv./prep. [17]
to stay + adv./prep. (to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away)