Chapter 1 - Unlocking The World Flashcards
What is a citizen?
A person who is part of a society with the right to protection from it and the responsibility of loyalty to it.
What is condensation?
The process by which water vapour turns into liquid.
What is a contour?
A line on a map joining places of equal height.
What is an ecosystem?
A community of organisms interacting with one another and with the environment in which they live.
What is an environment?
The total surroundings.
What is evaporation?
The process by which water turns from liquid to vapour.
What are human features?
Areas of the Earth’s surface that have been built or changed by humans.
What are isobars?
Lines on a synoptic chart joining places of equal air pressure.
What is a nutrient?
A source of nourishment.
What are physical features?
Areas of the Earth’s surface that are naturally occurring or have been largely unaltered by humans.
What is precipitation?
Any form of water falling to the Earth’s surface including rain, hail and snow.
What is relative humidity?
The amount of moisture in the air compared to the amount it could hold.
What is a settlement?
A place where people live.
What is spatial dimension?
Where things are and why they are there.
What is temperature?
A measure of the amount of heat energy.