Chapter 1 - Trojans and Backdoors Flashcards
The entrance to a network that bypasses normal authentication and security procedures.
client-server network model
The model that defines communication interactions between individual client computers and servers.
covert channel
Illegal, hidden path used to transfer data from a network.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
A connectionless protocol that is generally used to provide error messages to unicast addresses
ICMP tunneling
Utilization of the ICMP to bypass filtering by network devices.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
A form of instant text-based communication carried out over the internet.
Hardware or software that records the keystrokes or mouse movements entered into a computer.
overt channel
Legal, secure channels for transferrign information and data within a network.
Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3)
An e-mail transfer protocol for downloading e-mail from a POP server, using port 110.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A protocol that defines and regulates the method of data transmission between computers
Trojan horse
A program in which malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless programming or data.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A data-transmission protocol that does not require transmission paths to be established before data is transmitted.
virtual network computing (VNC) software
Software that allows users to remotely control a computer.
A program used to bind trojan executables to legitimate files.
What are the signs of a Trojan infection?
Various unexplained activity and ports listening that shouldn’t be.