Chapter 1 - Themes and Perspective in Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Book: Fundamentals of Developmental Psychology
Debate on whether abilities and other characteristics are largely the product of genetic inheritance or environmental and experiences.
Nature-Nurture Debate
The product of our genetics is also called ____________.
The product of our environment and experiences is also called ______________.
Movement in psychology that explains psychological phenomena by focusing only on behavior and the environment without the reference to the mind.
Controlling behavior by manipulating rewards and various stimuli within the environment.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990)
Captivated by the pioneers of conditioning namely __________ and ________________.
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) - Russia and John Watson (1879-1958) in USA
Pevlov documented what he colorfully named ______________ in his laboratory dogs.
Psychic Learning
Learn association between pairs of stimuli when they are presented the same movement in time.
Classical Conditioning
Any stimulus that when following behavior increases the probability that the organism will emit the behavior in the future.
Stimulus that follows the emission of a response which renders the same response more probable in the future.
Skinner introduced the concept of ________ via process of successive approximation.
Skinner introduced the concept of shaping via process of ______________.
Successive Approximation
Capable of shaping the simple repertoire of reflexes available in us.
Selective Reinforcement
Noam Chomsky (1928)
Innate grammatical structuring of language that is both universal among human and species.
Deep Structure
Ability or trait that is with us from birth.
A capacity develops after several months or even years, it does not necessarily follow that this development depend on learning or experience.
Maturational Unfolding