Chapter 1: The properties of gases Flashcards
Physical State
of a sample os as substance, its physical condition, is defined by its physical properties.
two samples of the same substance that have the same physical properties are on the same state
amount of substance (n)
standard pressure
1 bar pØ
mechanical equilibrium
the condition of wquality of pressure on either side of a movable wall.
When there are no unbalanced forces within the system and between the system and the surrounding, the system is said to be under mechanical equilibrium. The system is also said to be in mechanical equilibrium when the pressure throughout the system and between the system and surrounding is same. Whenever some unbalance forces exist within the system, they will get neutralized to attain the condition of equilibrium. Two systems are said to be in mechanical equilibrium with each other when their pressures are same.
1 N m-2 , 1 kg m-1 s-2
equation of state
an equation that interrelates these four variables
p = f (T,V,n)
Boyle’s law
For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure.
- pV* = constant , at constant n,T
- pV* = R
ex. halfing the volume increases pressure due to the increase in collsions
Charles’s law
For a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure, the volume is directly proportional to temperature (in Kelvin).
V = constant X T, at constant n, p
V/T = R
p = constant X T, at constant n,V
p/T = R
temperture incresaes the averge law speed, causing collsion to happen more offten
Avogadro’s principle
Avogadro’s law states that, “equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules”.
V = constant X n, at constant p,T
The number of molecules or atoms in a specific volume of ideal gas is independent of size or the gas’ molar mass.
limiting law
a law that is strictly ture only in a certain limit,
in the case of boyles and charles law
example, p→0
a line on a map connecting points having the same temperature at a given time or on average over a given period.
a polt with changeing volume and pressure might us isotherms
showing variation at constant pressure
change at constant volume
perfect gas law
is based on a series of empirical observation, is a limiting las that is obeyed incresingly well as the pressure of a gas tends to zero
pV = nRT
the approximate equation of any gas, and becomes increasing exact as the pressure of the gas approaches zero
perfect gas
a gas that obeys the perfect gas law exactly under all conditions
real gas
an actual gas, behavies more like a perfect gas the lower the pressure and is described by the perfect gas law in the linit of p→ 0
standard temperature and pressure
0 degrees celces , 1 atm
Vm = 22.414 dm3 mol-1
partial pressure (1A.8)
pj = xjp
x = mole fraction
Dalton’s Law (words)
the pressure exerted by as mixtutre of a gas is the sum of the pressures that each one would exert if it occupied the container alone
Partial pressure
Pj = xjp
kinetic theory
it is assumed that the only contribution to the energy of the gas is from the kinetic energies of the molecuces.
Root -Mean square speed
vrms =〈v2〉<span>1/2</span>
Vrms = (3RT/M)1/2 -RMS speed - perfect gas
elastic collision
a collision in which the total translational kinetic energy of the molecules is conserved
distribution of speeds
the fraction of molecules that have speeds in the range v to v +dv is proportional to he width of the range, and is written f(v)dv , where f(v) is called the distribution of speeds
f(v) is the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speeds
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speeds (1B.4)
- f(v) = 4π(M/2πRT)3/2 v2e(-Mv2 /2RT)*
- important feature*
- 1.implies the fraction of molecules with very high speeds will be very small*
- 2.heavy molecules are unlikely to be found ar very high speeds*
- 3.a greater fraction of molecules can be expected to have high speeds at high temperatures than at low temperature*
- the fraction of molescules with very low speeds will also be very small ehatever their mass*
- the sum of the fractions over the entire reagon of speeds from zero to infinty will be 1*
mean speed (1B.8)
- vmean = (8/3π)1/2*
- perfect gas*
collision frequency,z, (1B.11a)
the number of collisions made by one molecule divided by the time interval during which the collisions are counted.
z= σvrelƝ
Ɲ= N/V, the number density
σ = πd2, collsion cross section
mean free path
Compression factor (1C.1)
the ration of the measured molar volum of a gas Vm = V/n, to he molar volume of a perfect gas .Vm°
Z = Vm/Vm°
Virial equation of state (1C.3b)
pVm = RT (1 + B/Vm +C/Vm2 +…)
B,C re virial coefficients and depend on temperature
principle of corresponding states
critical temperture Tc
an isotherm slighly below Tc , at a certin pressure , a liquid condences from the gas and it is distinguishable from it by the presences of a visable surface
if the compression take place at Tc itself, then a surface separating the two phases does not appear ans the volumes at each end of the horizontal part of the isotherm have merged to a single point, the critical point of a gas
above TC the sample has a singel phase which occipies the entire volume of the container, such a phase is defined as a gas
liquid phase does not form abobe Tc
vapour pressure
when both the liquid and vapour are present in equilibrium
critical behavior
van der Waals equation (1C.5a)
p = nRT/(V-nb) -an2/V2
a represents the strength of attractive interaction
b represents the strength of repilsive interactions between the molceules
depend on the gas and temp
reduced variables
in molecuar terms, a gas consists of a molecules that are in ceasless motion and which interact sigificantly with one another only when thay collide
difference between ideal and perfect
ideal -> the interactions are all the same
perfect -. the interactions are the same, they are also zero
Combined gas law (1A.7)
p1 V1/n1T1 = p2 V2/n2T2
Molar volume
Vm= V/n
Mole fraction
xj = nj/n
n = nA + nB +…
a gas consists of ….
molecles of negligilbe size in ceasless random motion and obeying the laws of classical mechanics in therir collisions
note Newtons 2nd law
acceleration of a body is proportional to the force acting on it, and the conservation of linear momentum
the kinetic model is based on three assumptions
- the gas consists of molecules of mass m in ceasless random motion obeying the laws of classical mechanics
- the size of the molecules is negligible, in the sence that their diameters are much smaller than the average distance travelled between collisions.
- the molecules interact only through brief elastic collisions
Attractions and repulusions between gas molecules account for……
modifications to the isotherms of a gas and account for critical behavior
real gases show deviations from the perfect gs law because
molecules interact with one another
replusive forces between molesules assist expansion and attractive forces assist compression
repulsive forces
assist expansion
are only significant only when molecules are almost in constatn
short range interactions
only important when molecules the averge separation of the molecles is small (in the case of high pressure when many molecules occupy a small volume)
attractive forces
assist compression
have long ranges and are effective over several molecular diameters
important when moleculs are failry close together but not necessarily touching
ineffective when molecules are far apart
intermolecular forces are important ….
when the temp is so low that they can be captured by one another
at moderate pressure
attractive forces dominate the repulsive forces
in this case, the gas can be expected to be more compressible than a perfect gas because the forces help to draw molecules together
at high pressures
when that average seporations is small , the replsive dominate and the gas can be expected to be less compressible now the forces help drive the molecules apart
at low pressures
whe nthe sample occupies a large volume, the molecules are so far apart for most of the time that intermolecular forces play no significant role, and the gas beahves virtually perfect
when a gas is compressed by a pistion,at some point….
it will compress without a rise in presssure( a liquid appears, and there are two phases seporated by a sharply defined surface)
as the volume decreases the amount of liquid increases
thers is no additional resistance to the pistion because the gas can respond by condensing.
the pressure corresponds to when both the liquid and vapour are present in equilibrium (vapour pressure
molar volume of a perfect gas.
Vm = RT/p
What is the compression factor of a perfect gas
the compression factor of a perfect gas is one
deviations of Z from one is a measure of departure from perfect behavior
z= RT/pVm°
super crital fluid
the single phase that fils the entire volume when T > Tc may be much denser than that of normal gases
Boyle temperature ,TB,
at the boyle temperatue the properties of the real gas do coincide with those of a perfect gas as p→ 0.
Z has zero slope as p→0 if B=0