Chapter 1: The Cell Flashcards
____ cells contain a true nucleus enclosed in a membrane.
____ cells do not contain a nucleus
____ allows for the diffusion of molecules throughout the cell.
Within the nucleus, genetic material is encoded in ____. Which is organized into ____.
DNA Chromosomes
The nucleus is surrounded by the ____ or ____.
Nuclear membrane Envelope
____ a double membrane that maintains a nuclear environment separate and distinct from the cytoplasm.
Nuclear membrane Envelope
____ the entire content within the cell.
____ the fluid contained in the cell cytoplasm.
The genetic material (DNA) contains coding regions called ____.
Linear DNA is wound around organizing proteins known as ____, and is then further wound into linear strands called ____.
Histones Chromosomes
____ is where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized.
Mitochondria contains two layers called the _____ and ____ layer.
Outer Inner
The inner layer of the mitochondria is arranges into numerous inholdings calls ____.
The Cristae contains ___.
molecules and enzymes for the ETC
The space between the inner and outer membrane of the mitochondria is called the ____.
Intermembrane Space
The space inside the intermembrance Space is called the ____.
mitochondrial matrix
Briefly describe the functions of each of the organelles: -Nucleus: -Mitochondrion: -Lysosome: -Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: -Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: -Golgi Apparatus: -Peroxisome:
-Nucleus: stores genetic information and is the site of transcription -Mitochondrion: involved in ATP production (ETC and Oxidative phosphorylation) and apoptosis. Also, involved in Aerobic respiration -Lysosome:break down cellular waste products and molecules. Can be involved in apoptosis -Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: synthesizes proteins -Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: synthesized lipids and does detoxification -Golgi Apparatus: packages, modifies, and distributes cellular products -Peroxisome:break down long chain fatty acids, synthesizes lipids, and contributes to the pentose phosphate pathway.
A child is diagnosed with an enzyme deficiency that prevents the production of hydrogen peroxide. What would the likely outcome be of such a deficiency?
Peroxisomes are dependent on hydrogen peroxide for their functions, so an enzyme deficiency that results in an inability to form hydrogen peroxide for their functions, so an enzyme deficiency that results in an inability to form hydrogen peroxide would likely result in an inability to digest very long chain fatty acids. These fatty acids would build up in peroxisomes until they displaced cellular contacts, ultimately resulting in cell death.
What are the predominant proteins in each cytoskeletal element? -Microfilaments: -Microtubules: -Intermediate Filaments:
-Microfilaments:composed of actin -Microtubules:composed of tubulin -Intermediate Filaments:differ by cell the, but may be composed of keratin, desmin, vimentin, and lamens.
How do the cytoskeletal structures of centrioles and flagella differ.
Centrioles: consists of nine triplets of microtubules around a hollow center. Flagella: consists of nine doubles on the outside, with two microtubules on the inside. (9-2 structure)
Classify each of the following cells as epithelial or connective tissue. -Fibroblast, which produces collagen in a number of organs. -Endothelial cells, which line blood vessels. -Alpha Cells, which produce glucagon in the pancreas. -Osteoblasts, which produce osteoid, the material that harden into bone. -Chondroblasts, which produce cartilage.
-connective -Epithelial -connective -epithelial -connective -connective