Chapter 1 terms Flashcards
Study of the persuasive potential in the form, beauty, or force of symbolic expression
Symbolic methods that aim either to elicit an emotion or to engage the audience’s loyalties or commitments
Discourse characterised by reasons advanced to support a conclusion. Reasoning made public with the goal of influencing an audience
Argumentative hypothesis
The view that the entire purpose of our public reasoning -of making arguments- is to demonstrate to others that we have support for our views
The planned ordering of a message to achieve the greatest persuasive effect
Arrangement; Cicero’s term for the effective ordering of arguments and appeals
Style; Cicero’s term to designate the concern for finding the appropriate language or style for a message
A system of belief, or a framework for interpreting the world
Invention; Cicero’s term describing the process of coming up with the arguments and appeals that would make up the substance of a persuasive case
Commitments, goals, desires, or purposes when they lead to action
Anyone engaged in preparing or presenting rhetorical discourse
Rhetoric, Art of
The study and practice of effective symbolic expression
Rhetoric, Type of discorse
Goal-oriented discourse that seeks, by means of the resources of symbols, to adapt ideas to an audience
Rhetorical discourse
Language crafted according to the principles of the art of rhetoric
Rhetorical theory
The systematic presentation of rhetoric’s principles, descriptions of its various functions, and explanations of how rhetoric achieves its goals
Any mark, sign, sound, or gesture that represents something based on social agreement