Chapter 1 - Ten Principles of Economics Flashcards
the limited nature of society’s resources
What is the largest cost of attending University?
The time lost to lecture, readings, homework- instead of working and making money.
Opportunity Cost
Whatever you are giving up to obtain something.
Marginal Change
Changing something by little increments (ex. getting $20 of gas versus getting either none or a full tank)
Marginal cost?
Marginal cost refers to the cost of an additional unit of whatever you are producing/providing. Associated with the producer and consumer. (ex. for the consumer- ads on netflix)
Marginal Benefit?
Marginal benefit refers to the benefit gained by providing or receiving an extra unit of something. Can be associated with both the producer and consumer.
What is an incentive?
An incentive is something that motivates or encourages an individual or group of people to do something, but doesn’t force them to do it.
Positive and negative incentives?
Positive incentive is something like a reward.
Negative incentive is something like a fine.
Market Economy
is an economy where the allocation of resources is up to the consumers and producers of a society.
What are some aspects of a market economy?
- Supply and Demand
- Freedom to buy and sell whatever (mostly)
- Competition
- Ownership (of businesses, products, etc.)
- Government role (more like a referee)
Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand
Adam Smith believed that through a market economy prices can properly allocate resources based on the degree of demand. Through the pursuit of self interest the economy can be “stabilized”
Government Involvement
With the government refereeing the economy, the Invisible Hand wouldn’t work. People would disrupt this concept without a governments rules and regulations (ex. farmers crops getting stolen will prevent them from farming)
Property Rights
The rights of individuals when it comes to using a property/commodity for profit.
Economic Pie
Economic Pie represents the economy. When talking about a division of the pie we are referring to economic equality. When talking about an enlargement we are referring to economic efficiency.
Market Failure
When the efficiency of the market is not good, in other words the Invisible Hand is not working like its supposed to.