Chapter 1, Section 1 Flashcards
Refers to a person with a BMI of 25-29.9 percent. Or a person who is 25-30 lbs over the recommended weight for their height.
The condition of being considerably overweight and refers to a person with a body mass index of 30 or more. Or who is at least 30 lbs over the recommended weight for their height.
Muscle Imbalance
Alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint.
Blood lipids
Also know as cholesterol and triglycerides, blood lipids are carried in the bloodstream by protein molecules know as high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
Diabetes Mellitus
Chronic metabolic disorder caused by insulin deficiency, which impairs carbohydrate usage and enhances usage of fats and proteins.
A state of lost physical fitness which may include muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, and the lack of core and joint stability.
The cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all mechanoreceptors that sense body position and limb movement.
any of the sense organs that respond to vibration, stretching, pressure, or other mechanical stimuli.
Proprioceptively enriched environment
And unstable, yet controlled, physical situation in which exercises are performed that cause the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms.
OPT model
The OPT model is divided into three different levels of training stabilization, strength, and power. Each level contain specific phases of training.
Phases of training
Smaller divisions of training aggressions that fall within the three building blocks of training.
Muscular endurance
A muscles ability to contract for extended period
Neuromuscular efficiency
Ability of the neuromuscular system to enable all muscles to efficiently work together in all planes of motion
Prime mover
The muscle that acts as the initial and main source of motive power
OPT model Phase 1
Stabilization Endurance Level
Prime mover
The muscle that acts as the initial and main source of motive power
Set of two exercises that are performed back to back without any rest time between them
Health Risks of Excessive Body Weight
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes Mellitus, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis, and cancer
Healthy total cholesterol
Is less than 200 mg/dL
Borderline high cholesterol level is between
200-239 mg/dL
High risk level cholesterol
More than 240 mg/dL
Nervous system
A conglomeration of billions of cells specifically designed to provide a communication network within the human body
Sensory function
The ability of the nervous system to sense changes in either the internal or external environment
Intergrativr function
The ability of the nervous system to analyze and interpret sensory information to allow for proper decision making, which produces the appropriate response
Motor function
The neuromuscular response to sensory information
The functional unit of the nervous system
Sensory (afferent) neurons
Transmit nerve impulses from the effector sites such as muscles and organs via receptors to the brain and spinal cord
Transmit nerve impulses from one neuron to another
Motor (efferent) neurons
Transmit nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord to effector sites
Central nervous system (CNS)
The portion of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
Cranial and spinal nerves that spread throughout the body
What percent of ACL injuries are non contact injuries?