Chapter #1 - Safety Flashcards
[Bar regulations]
What are the 6 major rules on serving alcohol ?
- No selling or giving alcohol to either customers or employees for consumption off the aircraft
- Not allow customers to consume alcohol bought elsewhere while on board
- Not sell alcohol to customers under 18
- Serving alcohol to deadheading crew (paid staff not on duty at the moment)
- Serve alcohol to customers who show obvious signs of intoxication on drugs or alcohol
- Serve alcohol to armed peace officers, customers under escort or their escort
What are the 5 acceptable forms of age identification?
- Drivers license with photo
- Canadian passport
- Canadian citizenship card with photo
- Canadian armed forces card with photo
- Liquor control board of Ontario BYID card
What is the alcohol rate of elimination?
The average healthy person eliminates pure alcohol at a constant rate of about 1/3 to 1/2 oz per hour.
What are the Canadian aviation regulations (CARs) : No person shall act as a crew member of an aircraft (3):
- Within 8 hours after consuming alcohol
- While under the influence of alcohol
- While using any drug that impairs the person’s faculties to the extend that the safety of the aircraft or the people on board is endangered in any way
What are the Air Canada SOPs (3)
Our cabin crew is not allowed to consume alcohol:
- At any time during duty or when in full uniform wearing any identifiable uniform components
- Onboard aircraft
- Within 12 hours of flight departure when operating or commencement of reserve duty
What are the top 4 things to consider when serving a passenger with disabilities?
- Speak directly to the passenger, not interpreter or attendant (comfort)
- Offer your help but don’t insist (dignity)
- Ask how to help and what to do ( communication)
- Avoid making assumptions and recognize when personal assistance may be required ( patience)
What are the 3 key points of serving passengers who are blind or partially sighted?
- Be clear and precise when giving directions. Give passenger verbal information (number of stairs up or down)
- Tell the passenger when you are leaving, never leave the passenger talk to an empty space
- When assisting a passenger with a service dog, don’t interact or talk directly to the dog. Never pet, feed or direct a service dog wearing a harness or a vest
What are the 4 key points omitted serving a passenger with communication disabilities ?
- Give passenger time to speak without interrupting them. Resist the temptation to finish their sentences for them.
- Watch and listen as the passenger may use body language, speech or a communication device.
- If the passenger is having trouble expressing their needs, summarize what you understood, the passenger can just complete the sentence rather than having to repeat everything l.
- Try to ask questions with simple yes and no answers.
What are the 3 key points on serving a passenger who is deaf blind?
- Gain the passengers attention before starting a conversation. ( tap the passenger gently on the shoulder or arm)
- Ask if your communication is understood
- In the case of an emergency, if the passenger is not accompanied by an intervenor, draw an “X” on the passengers back ( universal sign for an emergency) and lead them away from the emergency
What are the 3 key points on serving a passenger who is deaf, deafening or hard of hearing?
- Ask the passenger about their preferred method of communication and or if it would be helpful to communicate by writing
- Maintain eye contact. Don’t look down or sideways
- Body language helps to project the meaning of what you are saying: be animated. Use facial expressions and gestures when appropriate
What are the 4 key points on serving a passenger who has intellectual disabilities ?
- Offer assistance or extra time to complete forms, understand written instructions, or make a decision; wait for the passenger to accept the offer for assistance. Don’t over assist or be patronizing.
- Be prepared to repeat, rephrase or provide an explanation more than once
- Speak slowly and give information in clear, short sentences.
- Break instructions into small parts
What are the 3 key points on serving a passenger with mental health disabilities?
- Discuss personal matters (disability related need or medical information) in a private and confidential manner to minimize stigma
- State clearly who you are and speak in a normal tone of voice
- Focus on accommodation and avoid unnecessary intrusive questions about the disability
What are the 4 key points in serving a mobility impaired passenger?
- Put yourself at eye level with passenger using a wheelchair. If possible, sit next to the passenger when having a conversation
- Don’t touch mobility aids, including wheelchair without permission
- Ensure there are no obstruction between you and the passenger
- Make sure there is always a clear path
What is the safety data sheet (SDS)?
Is a summary of documents that provide information about the hazards (danger, risks) of a product and advice about safety precautions.
What should you do before using a potentially dangerous product as precaution (5)?
-Always be familiar either the hazards of the product
-Look at the SDS, match the name of the product to the one on the SDS
-Know the hazards
-Understand safe handling and storage instructions
-Understand what to do in an emergency
What are the 4 main purposes of the SDS? It provides information on:
- Identification : for the product and the supplier
- Hazards: Physical (fire and reactivity) and health
- Prevention: Steps you can take to work safely, reduce or prevent exposure, or in an emergency
- Response: Appropriate responses in various situations ( ex: first aid, fire, accidental release)
How can you make your workspace safer from hazards? (7)
- Know the chemical hazards in your work area before and accident occurs. Be familiar with the location of the SDS
- Use protective equipment and clothing recommended
- Follow recommended safety precautions such as wearing gloves
- Know the proper clean up procedures for spill. Refer to SDS for clean up info
- Know the location of emergency protective equipment and fire extinguishers
- Use products for their intended purpose only.
- Know where to find first aid & emergency information for the product you are using ( both the label & SDS contain this information) Remember first aid procedures vary for different products
What does WHMIS stand for and what kind of system is it?
- It stands for Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
- It is a compréhensive system for providing health and safety information on hazardous products intended for use, handling and storage in Canadian workplaces.
What is the goal pf the WHMIS system?
The goal is that the same set of rules for classifying hazards, and the same format content for labels and SDS will be used around the world.
Why are WHMIS labels important? What are the 2 main types of WHMIS labels?
- WHMIS labels are the first alert to the user about the major hazards associated with a product and outline the basic precautions or safety steps that should be taken.
- The 2 main types of labels are :
1. Supplier label
2. Workplace label
What information the supplier label must include? (7)
- Product identifier: The brand name, chemical name, common name, generic name of the following hazardous product.
- Hazard pictograms : Hazard symbols
- Signal word : A word used to alert the reader to a potential hazard and to indicate the severity of the hazards.
- Hazard statements: Standardized phrases which describe the nature of the hazard posed by a hazardous product.
- Precautionary statements: Standardized phrases that describe measures to be taken to minimize or prevent effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous product or resulting from improper handling, storage of a hazardous product
- Initial supplier information: The name, address and telephone number or either the Canadian manufacturer or the Canadian importer
- Supplement label information: Some supplemental label information is required based on the classification of the product.
What information must be included in the workplace WHMIS label? (3)
- Product name: Matching the SDS product name
- Safe handling precautions: May include pictograms or other supplier label info
- A reference to the SDS if available
What are the 9 materials identified in cabin crew’s workspace?
- Compressed oxygen
- Fire extinguisher
- De-icing fluid (Ethylene Glycol)
- Insecticide spray
- Dey ice
- Powder Sanitary fluid
- Red Z (deodorizes infectious blood amd body fluid )
- Sani-cide detergent ( désinfectant pump spray)
- Aero freshener (airplane safe febreeze )
What are the hazards and special storage precautions of compressed oxygen?
Hazards: Oxygen accelerates combustion. Contact with flammable materials should be avoided. Some materials which are not flammable in air will burn in oxygen enriched atmospheres.
Storage precautions: Protect cylinders from physical damage. Cylinders should be stored and firmly secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. There should be no sources of ignition (starting a fire) in the storage or usage area.
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( Inhalation, eye contact, skin contact ) of fire extinguishers ( Halon 1211) ?
Health hazards: If exposed to Halon 1211 gas for more than a minute, dizziness, impaired co-ordination & reduced mental acuity will occur. In susceptible individuals, can result in potentially fatal heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
Preventive measures: Do not breathe vapor or mist. Do not get on eyes, skin or clothing. Avoid container damage, store in cool dry place. Protective breathing equipment and protective clothing must be worn when re-entering unventilated fire areas where product has been used.
First aid measures:
-Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. If needed, perform artificial respiration or administer oxygen. Obtain medical attention immediately. Do jot administer adrenaline/ephedrine
- Eye contact: Flush eyes with running water for at least 20 min, holding eyelids open. Obtain medical attention immediately
-Skin contact: Wash with soap and water. If irritation persists, obtain medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
- Skin contact: Wash
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( inhalation, eye contact and skin contact) for de-icing fluid ?
Health hazards: Swallowing may cause abdominal discomfort, pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, malaise, blurring vision, irritability, lumbar pain, oliguria (urinal output less than 400 ml per day or 20ml per hour), uremia (urine in the blood and renal disfunction) and central nervous system effects including irregular eye movement, convulsions and coma.
*** Cardiac failure and pulmonary edema (too much fluid in the lungs that makes breathing hard) and kidney damage may develop. It all may be fatal. Weakness of the facial muscles, diminished hearing and difficulty swallowing are symptoms of late stages of severe poisoning.
Preventive measures: Proper protective breathing equipment, protective gloves, eye goggles, face shield. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor. Wash after handling.
First aid measures:
- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Call a doctor if discomfort persists
- Eye contact: immediately flush with water for several minutes
- Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and flush skin with water. If irritation persists or if contact has been prolonged, call a doctor.
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( Inhalation, eye contact and skin contact) for Insecticide spray?
Health hazards: Dizziness, frostbite, skin irritation, overexposure due to inhalation may cause temporary central nervous system effect; dizziness, headache, confusion.
Preventive measures: Do not intentionally dilute (diluer) or inhale. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothes. Keep away from heat. Do not drop, reuse or refill container. So not throw in trash compactor. Store in cool dry place.
First aid measures:
- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, administer oxygen if needed.
- Eye contact: Flush with copious amount of water
- Skin contact: Wash with plenty of soapy water
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( Inhalation, skin and eye contact) or dry ice?
Health hazards: This very cold solid material may cause frostbite upon contact with skin or eyes. If ingested, it will cause severe burns. The sublimed vapor is carbon dioxide and in low concentrations can increase the respiration rate and cause headache. Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide cause nausea, vomiting and may lead to unconsciousness.
Preventive measures: Keep in its wrapper, if applicable, and as long as possible. Do not handle unless wearing insulated gloves.
First aid measures:
- Inhalation: Move to fresh air, if applicable, administer oxygen.
- Eye contact: Rinse with warm water for 15 min and obtain medical attention.
- Skin contact: For frostbite allow affected body parts to thaw (defrost). Obtain medical attention.
What are the health hazard, preventive measures and first aid measures ( inhalation, skin and eye contact ) of powder sanitary fluid?
Health hazards: Contact with skin or eyes may cause irritation l. Ingestion will result in gastric discomfort.
Preventive measures: Practice good industrial hygiene when handling this product. If material is spilled, hand and eye protection are recommended but not essential.
First aid measures:
- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air
- Eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water for 15 min
- Skin contact: Wash with soap and water
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( Inhalation, ingestion, eye and skin contact ) for Red Z?
Health hazards: Exposure to eye, nose or airway may cause irritation. Contact with skin may cause burning
Preventive measures: Keep container sealed and stored in cool, dry area. Practice good industrial hygiene when handling this product. If material is spilled, avoid generating dust. Sweep up into suitable container. Hand and eye protection are recommended.
First aid measures:
-Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical assistance if necessary
- Ingestion: Do not induce (influencing/recommending to) vomiting, drink water ; seek for medical attention
- Eye contact: Flush with water for 30 min. Seek medical aid if necessary
- Skin contact: Wash with plenty of water. If discomfort develops, consult a doctor
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures (no advice on particular affected area ) for Sani-Cide detergent désinfectant pump spray?
Health hazards: May cause chronic nasal passage, throat or lung irritation if breathed over a prolonged period in the form of a mist. Product will irritate the eyes via direct liquid contact causing irritation and reddening. If contact with skin, product can cause dermatitis ( swelling or irritation of the skin) and first degree burn. Asthma or other breathing difficulties may be aggravated by the inhalation or the product.
Preventive measures: No protection is required
First aid measures: Flush eyes or skin with plenty of water and remove contaminated clothes and wash before reuse
What are the health hazards, preventive measures and first aid measures ( Ingestion, skin and eye contact ) or Aero freshener?
Health hazards: Irritant to eyes if incorrectly used
Preventive measures: No protection required ( non hazardous product )
First aid measures:
- Eye contact: Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least 10 min, holding eyelids opened. Obtain medical attention if irritation persists.
- Skin contact: Wash skin with water, no reaction expected
- Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water. Unpleasant taste only. Do not induce (recommend ) vomiting. Keep patient warm and at rest.
Risks of becoming sick or injured aboard depends on a number of factors including : (10)
- Current state of health and preexisting conditions
- Age
- Sex
- Immunization status
- Destination
- Length of stay
- Climate and season
- Type of accommodation
- Itinerary and activities
- Local conditions
What are the preventative steps you can take while traveling to avoid injury and health problems? ( 9 )
- Learning about the health risks in the country you are traveling to
- Washing hands frequently
- Drinking and brushing teeth with bottled water
- Eating fruits with peel
- Avoiding ice and unpasteurized dairy products
- Having knowledge on drinking laws differing where you are
- Avoiding water known for high shark attach risks
- Avoid swimming in foamy/unclear water that looks infected
- Use common sense!