Chapter 1: Roles of Managerial Finance Flashcards
Financial Services
The area of finance concerned with the design and delivery of advice and financial products to individuals, businesses, and governments.
Managerial Finance
Concerns the duties of the financial manager in a business
Financial Manager
Actively manages the financial affairs of all types of businesses, whether private or public, large or small, profit seeking or not for profit.
Sole Proprietorship
A business owned by one person and operated for his or her own profit.
Unlimited Liability
The condition of a sole proprietorship (or general partnership), giving creditors the right to make claims against the owner’s personal assets to recover debts owed by the business.
A business owned by two or more people and operated for profit.
Articles of Partnership
The written contract used to formally establish a business parntership.
The owners of a corporation whose ownership, or equity, takes the form of common stock or, less frequently, preferred stock.
Limited Liability
A legal provision that limits stockholders’ liability for a corporation’s debt to the amount they initially invested in the firm by purchasing stock.
Common Stock
The purest and most basic form of corporate ownership.
The periodic distributions of cash to the stockholders of a firm.
Board of Directors
Group elected by the firm’s stockholders and typically responsible for approving strategic goals and plans, setting general policy, guiding corporate affairs, and approving major expenditures.
President or CEO
Corporate official responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day operations and carrying out the policies established by the board of directors.
Limited Partnership (LP)
A partnership in which one or more partners have limited liability as long as at least one partner (the general partner)has unlimited liability. The limited partners are passive investors that cannot take an active role in the firms management.
The chance that actual outcomes may differ from those expected.
Risk Averse
Requiring compensation to bear risk.
Business Ethics
Standards of conduct or moral judgement that apply to persons engaged in commerce.
The firm’s chief financial manager, who manages the firm’s cash, oversees its pension plans, and manages key risks.
The firms chief accountant, who is responsible for the firm’s accounting activities, such as corporate accounting, tax management, financial accounting, and cost accounting.
Marginal Cost-Benefit Analysis
Economic principle that states that financial decisions should be made and actions taken only when the added benefits exceed added costs.
Accrual Basis
In preparation of financial statements, recognizes revenue at the time of sale and recognizes expenses when they are incurred.
Cash Basis
Recognizes revenues and expenses only with respect to actual inflows and outflows of cash.
Corporate Governance
The rules, processes, and laws by which companies are operated, controlled, and regulated.
Individual Investors
Investors who own relatively small quantities of shares so as to meet personal investment goals.
Institutional Investors
Investment professionals such as banks, insurance comp., mutual funds, and pension funds that are paid to manage and hold large quantities of securities on behalf of ogthers.
Principal-Agent Relationship
An arrangement in which an agent acts on the behalf of a principal. Ex. shareholders of a company (principals) elect management (agents) to act on their behalf.
Agency Problems
Arise when managers place personal goals ahead of the goals of stakeholders.
Agency Costs
Arising from agency problems that are borne by shareholders and represent a loss of shareholder wealth.
Incentive Plans
Management compensation plans that tie management compensation to share price; one example involves the granting of stock options.
Stock Options
Extended by the firm that allow management to benefit from increases in stock prices over time.
Performance Plan
Plans that tie management compensation to measures such as EPS or growth in EPS. Can also include performance shares and cash bonuses.
Performance Shares
Shares of stock given to management for meeting stated performance goals.
Cash Bonuses
Cash paid to management for achieving certain performance goals.
The science and art of managing money
Define finance and the managerial finance function.
Finance is the science and art of managing money. It affects virtually all aspects of business. Managerial finance is concerned with the duties of financial mangers working in a business. Financial managers administer the financial affairs of all types of business: Private and Public, large and small, profit and not for profit. They perform such varied tasks such as developing a financial plan or budget, extending credit to customers, evaluating proposed large expenditures, and raising money to fund the firm’s operations.
Describe the legal forms of business organization.
The legal forms f business organization are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The corporation is dominant in terms of business receipts and its owners are its stockholders. Stockholders expect to receive a return by receiving dividends or by realizing gains through increased share price.
Describe the goals of a firm. Explain why maximizing value of the firm is an appropriate goal for business.
The goal of a firm is to maximize its value and therefore the wealth of its shareholders. Maximizing the value of a firm means running the business in the interest of those who own it, the shareholders.
Because shareholders are paid after other stakeholders, it is generally necessary to satisfy the interests of other stakeholders to enrich shareholders.
Describe how the managerial finance function is related to economics and accounting.
All areas of responsibility within the firm interact with finance personnel and procedures. The financial manager must understand the economic environment and rely heavily on the economic principle of marginal cost-benefit analysis to make financial decisions. Financial managers use accounting but concentrate on cash flows and decision making.
Identify the primary activities of the financial manager.
The primary activities of the financial manager, in addition to ongoing financial analysis and planning, are making investing decision and financing decisions.
Describe the nature of the principal - agent relationship between the owners and managers of a corporation, and explain how various corporate governance mechanisms attempt to manage agency problems.
This separation of owners and managers of the typical firm is representative of the classic principal - agent relationship, where the shareholders are the principals and managers are the agents. This arrangement works well when the agent makes decisions which are in the principal’s best interests, but it can lead to agency problems when the interests of the principal and agent differ.
A firm’s corporate governance structure is intended to help ensure that managers act in the best interests of the firm’s shareholders and other stakeholders, and it is usually influenced by both internal and external factors.