Chapter 1 Reading Flashcards
discrete (geographic information category)
Discrete data are objects in the real world with specific locations or
boundaries, such as houses, cities, roads, or counties.
objects like houses or counties with specific locations
vector model
continuous (geographic information category)
Continuous data represent quantities that may be measured anywhere on the earth, such as temperature or elevation
quantities like temp or elevation anywhere on earth
raster model
vector model (1/2 encode data approach)
designed to store discrete data
raster model (2/2 encode data approach)
designed to store continuous data
meaning that the information is tied to a specific location on the earth’s surface using spatial (x -y) coordinates defined in a standard way
ex. longitude & latitude
general term
Data and software used to work with georeferenced information are encompassed by the general term geospatial
make a mindmap
(vector model) features
discrete objects (3 basic shapes: point, line, polygon)
(vector model)(features) point
A point feature can represent a single location such as a well or a weather station.
(vector model)(features) line
Line features represent linear objects like roads and rivers.
(vector model)(features) polygon
A polygon feature represents a closed area such as a county or a state.
(vector data set)(1/2 part)
one or more x-y locations that place the feature on the earth’s surface (its shape)
(vector data set)(2/2 part)
a table that stores attributes,
information about each feature, such as a state’s name, abbreviation, population, and so on
feature class
A set of similar features stored together, such as the 50 states comprising the United States
A feature class can store only one type of feature: points or lin es or polygons, but never a combination, and the features should be the same type of thing
GIS servers
provide geospatial data over Internet connections.
comprises a system of components connected by the Internet.
A cloud consists of warehouses of computers and hard drives managed by a company that rents processing power and disk space to clients.
ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
a cloud-based platform that provid es an environment to create a nd
share GIS data and tools.
GIS servers
provide geospatial data over Internet connections.
comprises a system of components connected by the Internet.
consists of warehouses of computers and hard drives managed by a company that rents processing power and disk space to clients.
web map
ArcGIS Online is designed around the web map , an interactive map based solely on GIS services.
Web maps perform a restricted set of basic functions, such as zoom and query; however, they are device independent and can be used in web browsers, on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets, and
even within social media sites. They are simple to
create and share.
aspatial data
This type of information is called aspatial data, meaning that it is not tied, or is only incidentally tied, to a location on the earth’s surface