Chapter - 1 Principles Of Communications Flashcards
It is the sending , processing and receiving information by Electrical or Electronic means
Basic Communication System
Transmission Channel
It is the source of information which must be delivered or transmitted to a particular destination over a channel
Converts signal to form more suitable for transmission
Basic Transmitter Components
It is the destination upon which information from the transmitter is delivered
It is a collection of electronic devices and circuits that accepts the transmitted signals from the trans.medium and coverts to original form
Basic Receiver Components
Output devices
It is the path or mediun that the information Travels from the transmitter to the Receiver
ATTENUATION occurs at this point
Transmission Channel
Classification of Transmission Media
Guided Media -provide conduit
(Transline , Optical Fiber , Waveguide)
Unguided Media -through Air
(Free space , Earth’s Atmosphere)
It is electronic circuit which is capable of increasing the signal magnitude or amplitude without altering the signal waveform characteristics
Q Point of Class A amplifier , Efficiency , Conduction Angle
Active (Linear)
25% or 50%
Q Point of Class B amplifier , Efficiency , Conduction Angle
Q Point of Class AB amplifier
A little above cut-off
Between A and B
180-359 deg
Q Point of Class C amplifier
Below Cut-off
More than 90%
Less than 180 deg
Produces a periodic waveform on its output with only DC Supply voltage as input
Non rotating device for producing AC
Can be taught as an amplifier
Types of Oscillator
LC - for HF •Hartley - Tapped Coil •Colpitts - Split Capacitor •Clapp - additional Capacitor •Armstrong -tickler coil (transformer)
RC - for LF
•Wien Bridge -lead-Lag Circuit
•Phase Shift Oscillator - Series of RC sections
•Crystal Oscillator
It is a Frequency Selective Circuit design to pass some frequency and reject others
Basic Type of Filter
- Low pass-below cutoff
- High pass-above cutoff
- Bandpass -narrow range
- Band reject -reject narrow range
- All pass - all frequency equally
Effect has maximum Flatness response in pass band
Butterworth filter
Have extremely good selectivity
Chebyshev Filter
Produce even greater attenuation than chebyshev filter
Cauer Filter
Provide desired frequency response but have a constant time delay in the pass band
Bessel (thompson) Filter
The number of times a particular phenomenon occurs in a given period of time
It is the time required for one complete cycle of a repetitive waveform
Reciprocal of Frequency
Period or Time
waves travel at characteristic speeds depending on the type of wave and the nature of the propagation of the medium
Propagation Velocity
Vp = Vf • C
Distance between two similar points
Defined as a single valued function of time that conveys information
These are time varying voltages or currents that are continuously changing such as sine wave and cosine wave
These are voltages or currents that change in discrete steps or levels
It is the process of extracting information from signal, conditioning a signal from subsequent use. Signal transformation or altering a signal structure
Simply describe the Frequency Content of the Signal
The Signal Amplitude is plotted against Time like Oscilloscope
Time Domain Representation
The signal is plotted against frequency like in a Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency Domain Representation
It is also known as -3db bandwidth or half power bandwidth. Which indicated portion of electromagnetic spectrum
Bandwidth formula
F(upper) = fr+B/2
F(lower) =fr-B/2
B(effective) = (pi/2)(B)
These are also known as cutoff points , breakup points, -3dbpoints
Half Power Points
Transmission Modes
- Simplex - one way
- Half-Duplex - two-way alternate
- Full-Duplex - two-way Simultaneous
- Full/Full Duplex - both direction at the same time but different station
- Echoplex-more than half duplex but less that full duplex . Used in error detection scheme
Electromagnetic Spectrum Mnemonics
Every Very Very Loving Mom Has Very Understanding Son Except I
Inject V Until Xplosive Growth
VHS at 3:30 kasi ma galing
Electromagnetic Spectrum Designation is based on the
ITU-R V.431-6:
Nomenclature of the Frequency and Wavelength Bands Used in Telecommunication
Voice Frequency Range
300hz to 3khz
Audio Frequency Range
20hz to 20khz
Electronics Communication System uses frequencies from
VLF to Light Frequencies
Frequencies that lies between VLF to EHF commonly used in wireless communications systems
Secondary carrier that carry additional modulating signal and itself modulated onto the main carrier
Too long wavelength to be seen
Too short wavelength to be seen
A fundamental quantity representing the rate at which energy is used and it is more readily measurable since jt can be converted to heat
One-tenth of a bel
Decibel Computations
Bel = log(p2/p1) Pdb = 10log(p2/p1) Pdb = 20log(v2/v1) = 20log(I2/I1) Pdbm = 10log(p/1mW) in mili Pdbu = 10log(p/1uW) in micro PdbW = 10log(p/1W) in Watt
To convert dbu to dbm
Subtract 30
To convert dbm to db
Subtract 30
To convert dbu to db
Subtract 60
To convert db to dbm
Add 30
To convert dbm to dbu
Add 30
To convert db to dbu
Add 60
Random , Undesirable Electrical Energy that enters the communication system via communicating medium and interferes with the transmitted message
Is any waveform pertubatikn or deviation caused by imperfect response of the system to the desired signal
Any contamination by extraneous or external signals from human sources
Two main Types of Noise
Uncorrelated and Correlated Noise
Noise is present regardless of wether there is signal present or not
Uncorrelated Noise
Noise is only present when there is a signal
Correlated Noise
Two Main Types of Uncorrelated Noise
External and Internal Noise
Noise coming from outside the environment
External Noise
Also known as Static Noise , caused by lightning discharges
Atmospheric Noise
Consist of electrical signals that originate from outside earth also know as space or deep space noise
Extraterrestrial Noise
It is generated directly from the sun’s heat repeats every 11 years like corona and sunspots
Solar Noise
Also known as sky noise , stellar noise or black body noise . It is RF noise generated by distant stars
Cosmic Noise
It is noise other than solar noise and cosmic noise
Galactic Noise
It is also known as man made noise usually between 1-600mhz
Industrial Noise
It is an electrical noise generated within a device or circuit
Internal Noise
Noise associated with random movement of electrons within a conductor
Brown si johnson White si gaussian
Thermal Noise
Noise Power
P = ktb
Noise Voltage
Vn = sqrt 4kTBR
Total noise Voltage and Current and Power
Vnt = sqrt (vn1^2 + vn2^2)
Int = sqrt (in1^2 + in2^2)
Pt = P1 + P2 ….
Random arrival of carriers (holes and electrons) happens in semiconductor
Shot Noise
Noise Current
In = sqrt(2qBI)
In = sqrt(2qB(I+2Is))
Also Known as Transistor Noise since it is commonly found in Transistors
Partition Noise
Also Known as Modulation Noise , Flicker Noise , 1/f Noise. Noise Power varies inversely with frequency .
Also known as pink noise and it is common in low frequencies
Excess Noise
It is an irregular,random variation produced by any modification to a stream pf carriers as they pass from input to output also known as HighFrequency Noise
Transit Time Noise
Also known as Popcorn Noise which is a low frequency noise found in transistors such as BJTs
Burst Noise
These are large noise spikes present in the avalanche current due to oscillation that result in the avalanching region
Avalanche Noise
Type of noise having a flat spectrum over a defined frequency band
White noise
Noise having a power density that decreases by 3 db per octave
Pink Noise
Noise having a power density that decreases by 6db per octave
Brown or Red Noise
Noise having a power density that increases by 3db per octave
Blue Noise
Noise having a power density that increases by 6db per octave
Violet Noise
It is a noise that sounds the same to the ears regardless of the frequency
Gray Noise
Clashing , displeasing noise
Orange Noise
Background noises of the world
Green Noise
It is a silent noise
Black Noise
Types of Correlated Noise
Harmonic Distortion
Intermodulation Distortion
Impulse Noise
It is also known as Amplitude Distortion
Harmonic Distortion
Power of a Signal Having Distortion
THD = total harmonic distortion , unitless
Unwanted sum and difference of frequencies when two or more signals are amplified by a non-linear device
Intermodulation Distortion
It consist of sudden burst of irregularly shaped pulses characterized by High Amplitude peaks of Short Duration in the total noise spectrum
Impulse Noise
Occurs when information signals from one source produce frequencies that falls outside their allocated bandwidth and interfere with another source
It is the ratio of the signal power level to the noise power and it is used to determine the degree of intelligibility of a received signal of a certain system
Signal to Noise Power Ratio
S/N = Ps/Pn S/N = 10log(Ps/Pn)
3 Figure of Merit
- Noise Factor
- Noise Figure
- Equivalent Noise Temperature
It is a figure of merit used to indicate how much signal to noise ratio deteriorates as signals passes through a circuit of series of circuits
Noise Factor
F= S/N(input)/S/N(output)
Noise Factor Expressed in decibel
Noise Figure
It indicate the reduction in the sigbal to noise ratio a signal undergoes as it propagates through a receiver
Equivalent Noise Temperature
Teq = Ta(F-1)
Ta=290Kelvin (17deg Celsius)
Total Gain in Cascaded Systems
Gt(db) = G1db+G2db+G3db…+Gndb
Equivalent Noise Temperature Referred to the Input
Noise Factor at the Output (friss formula)
Ft = F1+(F2-1/G1)+(F3-1/G1G2)+…….
Equivalent Noise Resistance