chapter 1 : Principle De Neurobiologie Flashcards
What are the différentes ères de l’histoire en neurobiologie
First 4 :
Origines des neurosciences
Ère des ancêtres préhistorique
Ère de l’Égypte Ancienne
Ère des Grecques anciens
Ère de la Rome Antique
Conception de la Renaissance (moyen age)
Conception du 16e et 17e siècle
Conception de la renaissance au 19e siècle
What were the discoveries by the Ancêtre préhistorique?
We find that there was signs of the crâne entrain de guérir suite à des trépanations, signe de lésions
On assume que cela a été fait par des ‘’chirurgiens’’
This indicates that the brain plays a vital role pour la vie
Quelle était la Vision de L’égypte ancienne au sujet du cerveau et la neurobio
they did not put alot of importance on the brain and more on the heart.
— They considered the heart as the siège de l’âme (aka conscience et sentiments) et de la mémoire
Another clue that brain did not have a lot of importance: they did not preserve the brain upon mummification which is often used to preserve the important organs/parts of the body
Qui est un personnage important durant la Conception des Grecs Anciens
WHat did Hippocrate believed?
He believed that there was a correlation between structure and fonction
he also established the 4 humeurs
What were the 4 components of theorie des humeurs
Sang rouge
Bile Jaune
Pituite aka lymphe ou phlegme vert
Atrabile ou bile noire
Sang rouge what does it stand for
Humeur chaude humide
Le coeur , caractère jovial et chaleureux
Pituite or lymphe/phlegme .. what does it mean
Cerveau donc Caractère flegmatique
Bile jaune what does it mean
Foie, caractère anxieux
Atrabile aka bile noire what does it mean
Rate (froide et sèche)
Caractère mélancolique
Who is Galien
Medecin Grècque pour les gladiateurs
il Vient de lère de la rome antique
He had access to human cadavers and performed dissections on humans and animals
What was Galien’s views on the brain
Used the tactile approach
He believed that the soft parts of the brain (neocortex) controlled sensation and emotions
He also believed that the hard parts of the brain (eg. Cervelet) controlled muscles
What were Galiens views of the ventricules
He thought that it contained the humeurs aka the 4 liquids vitaux. Le déplacement des humeurs controllaient les sensations et les mouvements
He also believed that mixing the humeurs would create a personality
Qui est vésale? What was his views on the brain
- part of the ère de la renaissance and also did dissections
- He established the théorie du fluide mécanique (aka les esprits animaux voyagent dans les ventricules)
this can be explained because the renaissance was a time where la génie mécanique started to emerge
Conception du cerveau au (XVI) 16e et (XVII) 17e siècles
ici ils ont abondonné la théorie des esprits animaux
on a commencer à faire la distinction entre la matière grise et la matière blanche
how did the scientist describe the matière grise vs matière blanche
la matière blanche contient des fibres qui transmet l’information from and to the matière grise
matière blanche found between the matière grise and was responsible in transporting information from and to matière grise
What was the discoveries during the XIXth century?
on commence à décrire les gyris, scissures du cerveau. divisant le cerveau en 5 parties
ce sont ses parties qui restent conservées à travers les animaux
Comment est ce que le point de vue du XIX siècle diffère du point de vue de Galien (romaine)
Galien n’avait séparé le cerveau qu’en 2 parties
alors quand renaissance du XIXe , on peut distinguer 5 parties du cerveau
Quelles étaient les division centrales
Système nerveau centrale
Moelle épinièreq
Quelles étaient les division périphérique
Nerf craniens
Nerf spinaux
quest qui a changé durant le 19e siècle par rapport au transmission d’information
- on découvre que les transmission étaient électrique au lieu de fluide et que les nerf agissaient comme des cables
Quelle était l’expérience de Pierre Flourens
il a fait des lésions sur le système nerveux/cerveau pour voir s’il y avait des changement sur l’animal (chirurgies suivies d’observations comportementales)
- Découvre que le cervelet participe dans la coordination motrice
What is a con/problem with the method used by Pierre Flourens
His lésions expérimentales were too globales
What was the contribution of Francis Gall
he thought that each region/bosses of the brain was linked to different personality trait
he was way off except for the concept of localisation
What was the contribution of Paul Broca
during the 19e century
he noticed that patients had trouble speaking (speech loss) after an injury to the head and saw a lesion at the broca’s area during autopsy
- he correlates that air de broca is important for the production of speecj
What was the contribution of Fritsch and Hitzig
finds that stimulation electriques (on aire motrice) could cause movement
this was done on a dog named Hitzig
What was the contribution of Ferrier
Ferrier was a monkey
perfomed ablation on the aire motrice as well which resulted in paralysis
What was the contribution of Munk
performed a lésion on the lobe occipital which caused loss of vision
Who is Phineas Gage
contremaitre du chemin de fer
underwent an accident de dynamite then a barre got inserted into the eye through the skull.
Did something got damaged due to the bar inserted the eye of Phineas?
The aire ventro-médiale got destroyed and this has drastically changed his personality
How did Darwin contribute to neuroscience
- il existe un ancêtre commun pour les espèces (conservation)
- concept of modèles animaux eg. étude des calmars, études des rats comme modèles
but according to darwin, certain regions of the brain adapted because of the environment
Example of evolution of nervous system
Monkeys (primate) have largers visual areas
Mice have a specialized area in the brain for their whiskers
Difference between Réseau réticulé et Réseau cellulaire
Réseau réticulé = interconnecté physiquement
Réseau cellulaire = Cellules sont individuelle même si elles sont proches, il existe quand meme de l’espace
what was the debate between reseau réticulé and réseau cellulaire
Golgi believed that cells were interconnecté because he saw a physical connection between the neurons
However, Cajal sees that the cells are separated physically - which was the correct answer
What was Camillo Golgi contribution to neuro
he invented the coloration au AgNO3 qui nous aide à marquer le cerveau.
it only stained 1/10 neurons out of the whole brain
What was Ramon y Cajal contribution
il a amélioré la technique de Camillo Golgi,
- this new technique helped us see the gaps between the neurons which then debunks Golgi’s theory
- he also proposes the concept of transmission chimique
What is the controversy of La soupe vs L’étincelle
Ecckes says that la stimulation synaptique is électrique
Katz and Cie say that la stimulation synaptique is chimique
What was the resolution for the Soupe and etincelle controversy
we discover that both are possibel
WHat is l’approche réductionniste
start from Moléculaire - cellulaire - système - comportmentale - cognitif
what did the egyptienne believe about the heart
They considered the heart as the siège de l’âme (aka conscience et sentiments) et de la mémoire