Chapter 1: Prefixes Flashcards
a- (an- before a vowel or h)
i.e: a-biogenesis, a-sthenia, cardi-a-stenia, an-algesia, an-hydrous
without, lacking, deficient
anti- (ant- often before a vowel or h); hyphenated before āiā
i.e: anti-biotic, ant-acid
against, opposed to, preventing, relieving
di- (rarely dis)
i.e: di-phonia, dis-diaclast
two, twice, double
i.e: dys-trophy, dys-pnea
difficult, painful, defective, abnormal
ec- (ex- before a vowel)
i.e: ec-tasis, ex-encephalia
out of, away from
ecto- (ect- often before a vowel)
i.e: ecto-derm, ect-ostosis
outside of
en- (em- before b, m, and p)
i.e: en-cephalitis, em-bolism, em-metropia, em-physema
in, intro, within
endo-, ento- (end-, ent- before a vowel)
i.e: endo-genous, ento-cele, end-odontics, ent-optic
epi- (ep- before a vowel or h)
i.e: epi-cardium, ep-encephalon
within, inner, above, upon
i.e: exo-cardia, exo-crine
outside, from the outside, toward the outside
i.e: hemi-cardia, hemi-plegia
half, partial; (often) one side of the body
i.e: hyper-hidrosis, hyper-lipemia
over, above, excessive, beyond normal
hypo (hyp- before a vowel or h)
i.e: hypo-chondria, hyp-acousia
under, deficient, below normal
mono- (mon- before a vowel or h)
i.e: mono-blast, mon-ocular
one, single
i.e: peri-angiitis, peri-cardiac
around, surrounding