Chapter 1 (part b) Flashcards
Nested Interval Property
For each n in N, assume we are given a closed interval
In = [an,bn] = {x in R: an < x < bn}. Assume also that each In
contains In+1. Then….
the resulting nested sequence of closed intervals
… c I3 c I2 c I1
has a non-empty intersection.
Or Πn=1 to inf (In) ≠ 0.
Archimedean Property
i. ) Given any number x in R, …
ii. ) Given any real number y > 0, ….
i. ) there exists an n in N such that n > x.
ii. ) there exists an n in N satisfying 1/n
Cut Property
If A and B are non-empty disjoint sets with
AUB = R and a < b for all a in A and b in B
then there exists c in R such that x < c whenever x in A and x > c whenever x in B.
Density of Q in R
For every two real numbers a and b with a
there exists a rational number r satisfying
a < r < b
Density of I in R
Given any two real numbers a and b, where a < b…
there exists a t not in Q such that
a < t < b
the size of a set
Same Cardinality
Two sets have the same cardinality if…
there exists a one-to-one correspondence between elements of a set and the function is onto.
[A is equivalent to B]
a function f that is one-to-one and onto
a set A is countable if…
N has the same cardinality as A
[N is equivlanent to A]
Theorem- If A c B and B is countable…
then A is either finite or countable.
the resulting nested sequence of closed intervals
… c I3 c I2 c I1
has a non-empty intersection.
Or Πn=1 to inf (In) ≠ 0.
Nested Interval Property
For each n in N, assume we are given a closed interval
In = [an,bn] = {x in R: an < x < bn}. Assume also that each In
contains In+1. Then….
i. ) there exists an n in N such that n > x.
ii. ) there exists an n in N satisfying 1/n
Archimedean Property
i. ) Given any number x in R, …
ii. ) Given any real number y > 0, ….
then there exists c in R such that x < c whenever x in A and x > c whenever x in B.
Cut Property
If A and B are non-empty disjoint sets with
AUB = R and a < b for all a in A and b in B…
there exists a rational number r satisfying
a < r < b
Density of Q in R
For every two real numbers a and b with a < b…
there exists a t not in Q such that
a < t < b
Density of I in R
Given any two real numbers a and b, where a < b…