Chapter 1 P20 - 28 Flashcards
All righty, Barb says when they get all my vitals and finish ___________ my sparkly silver A-line gown and my white rose _______.
Oohing and saying over; corsage
Camila, Mya, and I decided to swap _______ when we ___________ the formal
Corsages, went stag to
I didn’t want to ________, not that anybody asked me anyway
Take a date
I didn’t want to take a date, not that anybody asked me anyway. It was super possible that I would need to ______ the day of, or wouldn’t feel well halfway through the dance, Whig wouldn’t have been fair to whomever I could’ve gone with
But she holds up her hands ______. Deep down she knows that I’ll be absolutely fine
In surrender
By the way, Barb says slowly as Julie ______ the room
Ducks out of the room
What I say, my eyes widening as I move to ________ of the bed to find him
Launch out of the bed
I nod, a real laugh _________, as a fresh wave of relief fills me at the news of Poe being here too
Spilling out
Grabbing my phone, I _______ a quick text message instead of a ____________ to room 310
Settle for; mad dahs down the hall
I lean back on the bed, __________
Exhaling long and slow
Being here in the hospital for the next month doing treatment after treatment to ________ while my friends are far away is freaking me out
Stem the tide
I put some Fucidin on the sore skin around my G-tube in an attempt to make it less ______ red and more of a __________ pink
Fire-engine red; summer-sunset pink
I reply to my parents’ _______ texts
I dated Tyler Paul my freshman year of high school, but that lasted _______until I came down with an infection and needed to go to the hospital for a few weeks
All of a month
I dated Tyler Paul my _______ year
He wore so much ________, I would go into _______ every time we hugged
Axe body spray; coughing fits
I crack open a vial of Floven to give my lung a helping hand. I pour the liquid into a nebula set by my bed, the small machine ________ as vapour ______ the mouth piece
Humming to life; pour from
New one upstairs. Meet me in fifteen.
My heart _____
I grab the mouthpiece and and take one more ________ of the Flovent
Quick hit
After I put the cannula in, I head over to the door, ______ the blue latex gloves and wrapping the strings of the face mask around my ears
Pulling on
_________ my white Converse, I push my door open then squeeze out into the white washed corridor
Sliding into
I pass the nurses’ station in the center of the floor, waving hello to a young nurse’s assistant names Sarah, who is smiling _______ of the news, sleek metal cubicle
Over the top of
I remember when I was small enough to sneak past to whatever room Poe was in, my head still a good few inches _______
Bow it _________ elbow
From clearing the desk; it comes up to my elbow
I see a small Colombian flag taped on the outside of a half-open door, an _________ skateboard keeping it propped slightly open
I _____ inside to see Poe task asleep on his bed, curled into a surprisingly tiny ball underneath his plaid comforter, a _____ Gordon Ramsay poster, positioned directly over his bed, keeping watch over him
Peer; suave
I stop dead. HIs ______, dark chocolate brown hair is perfectly _______, like he just popped out of a Teen Vogue and landed _____ in the middle of Ssaint Grace’s Hospital.
Tousled; unruly; smack
But it’s his smile that catches my eye more than anything else. It’s _____, and charming and it has a magnetic warmth to it
I grimace and resume walking down the hallway to the exit doors, putting as much space as possible between me and whatever scheme is going on in there. ________
So much for cute