Chapter 1: Moral Reasoning in Bioethics Flashcards
What is bioethics?
Applied ethics focused on healthcare, medical science, and medical technology
What is cultural relativism?
The view that right actions are those sanctioned by one’s culture
What is a deductive argument?
An argument intended to give logically conclusive support to its conclusion
What are descriptive ethics?
The study of morality using the methodology of science
What is the Divine Command Theory (DCT)?
The view that right actions are those commanded by God and wrong actions are those forbidden by God
What is ethical relativism?
The view that moral standards are not objective but are relative to what individuals or cultures believe
What is ethics?
The study of morality using the tools and methods of philosophy
What is an inductive argument?
An argument intended to give probable support to its conclusion
What is metaethics?
The study of the meaning and justification of basic moral beliefs
What is moral absolutism?
The belief that objective moral principles allow no exceptions or must be applied the same way in all cases and cultures
What is a moral argument?
An argument whose conclusion is a moral statement
What is moral objectivism?
The view that there are moral norms or principles that are valid or true for everyone
What is morality?
Beliefs regarding morally right and wrong actions and morally good and bad persons or character
What are applied ethics?
The use of moral norms and concepts to resolve practical moral issues
What is normative ethics?
The search for, and justification of, moral standards or norms
What is paternalism?
The overriding of a person’s actions or decision-making for his own good
What is subjective relativism?
The view that right action are those sanctioned by a person