Chapter 1 Misc. Vocab Flashcards
meaning “cutting apart”
the study of the STRUCTURE of an organism and the relationship of its parts
the principal technique used to isolate and study the parts of the human body
the study of the FUNCTION of living organisms and their parts
a reasonable guess based on previous informal observations or previously tested explanations
the testing process of a hypothesis
theory or law
a hypothesis that has gained a high level of confidence
theory=consistent results
law= high level of confidence
7 Levels of Organization
Chemical level
Organelle level
Cellular level
Tissue level
Organ level
Organ system level
Organism level
the smallest “living” units of structure and function in our body
an organization of many cells acting together to perform a common function
a group of several different kinds of tissues acting as a unit to perform a function
most complex unit, an organization of organs working together to perform complex functions
body as a whole
anatomical position
erect or standing posture with arms at the sides and palms up
*head and feet forward
body laying face upwards
body laying face downward
internal organs
dorsal cavities
house the cranial cavity and spinal cavity
ventral cavities
house the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity
thoracic cavity
the upper ventral cavity, or chest, houses the pleural cavities and the mediastinum
MEDIASTINUM* trachea, heart, vessels
PLEURAL* lungs
abdominopelvic cavity
the lower ventral cavity, house the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity, divided in quadrants
ABDOMINAL* liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, some large intestine
PELVIC* lower colon, rectum, urinary bladder, reproductive organs
dome shaped muscle that seperates the 2 ventral cavities
relative constancy of the internal environment
homeo = same
statis = stopping
feedback loop
the body’s general control system; made up of a sensor or receptor, control center and an effector
negative feedback loop
they oppose, or negate, a change in a controlled condition
ex: breathing rate in exercise, sweating in extreme heat
positive feedback loop
temporarily amplify the change that is occuring
ex: contractions in childbirth, blood clotting when cut