Chapter 1: Microprocessor Design Flashcards
What is a microprocessor ? (Definition)
A microprocessor is a programmable device that takes inputs, processes them according to a set of instructions that are stored in memory and then produces outputs. It is the heart of any computing system.
What is a microprocessor responsible for?
1) Getting data or information from system inputs
2) Storing that information in the system memory
3) Manipulating the information
4) Sending the results of the manipulation to the system memory or an output
What is the main component of a microprocessor?
Silicon-based transistors used to create digital logic circuits.
What is an Arithmetic Logic Unit?
Combined circuitry that can perform mathematical functions on two inputs with a third input determining what type of process should be done; addition, subtraction or comparison.
What does VLSI stand for? What is it?
Very-large-scale-integration is the process of combining different gates (millions or billions of transistors) onto a single chip, a piece of semiconductor.
What digital blocks / components does a microprocessor contain?
1) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
2) Registers
3) Memory arrays (can be on-chip or off-chip) : RAM & ROM
4) Control Unit / counter
What defines the architecture of a microprocessor?
1) The instruction set – a set of commands like a programming language. They tend to be very basic commands such as add or subtract or jump.
2) Locations of memory containing data.
We use this information to enable the computer to do different tasks.
What architecture is most commonly used in personal computers? Who developed it? When was it first introduced?
X86, developed by Intel, introduced in 1978
Which architecture did Apple computers use before 2005/2006? Who developed it?
PowerPC, developed by Motorola and IBM.
Which architecture is primarily used in mobile phones and why? Name 2 companies that use it.
ARM because it uses less power and produces less heat.
Used by Apple and Samsung.
Which gaming consoles have used the MIPS architecture?
Sony’s PlayStation products.
Who developed the SPARC architecture?
Sun Microsystems
Why is it beneficial to have the same architecture on different hardware? Give an example.
It allows you to use the same programs, like Word or PowerPoint, across various devices.
Both Intel and AMD produce chips with the x86 architecture.
What is a microcontroller? What does it consist of?
A microcontroller consists of a microprocessor and other essential items such as memory, a clock signal, and other peripheral devices on a single piece of silicon. This allows them to be embedded into systems out of sight of the user.
What is machine language?
Instructions encoded into a number of binary digits (bits)
What is assembly language?
Decoded machine instructions (machine language) into mnemonics that are easy to remember.
What does an instruction describe?
An instruction describes an action (e.g. ‘move some data’, ‘add some data together’) along with the address where the data can be found.
The action is called the opcode, whilst the address(s) are called the operand.
What is CISC and why was it developed?
CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer
It was developed to enable more powerful programs with complex instructions, similar to creating reusable functions in code.
What are the main challenges of CISC design?
Low power operations: the hardware needs to be able to handle lots of instructions (often consisting of variable numbers of bits) which is harder to design.
Speed optimization: some of these instructions take longer to carry out than others.