Chapter 1 Measuring and Weighing Risk Flashcards
Single Loss Expectancy (how much one loss costs)
Annual Rate of Occurence (how likely it is to happen)
Annual Loss Expectancy (how much you will lose)
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment
- Opinion based and subjective
- may be valued by the business, bot not necessarily by customers
- Cost-based and subjective
- May impede money making ability
Likelihood (risk)
A score representing the possibility of an event occurring
Can be expressed in qualitative or quantitative terms
Threat Vectors (risk)
The way in which an attacker poses a threat
- May be a tool an attacker would use, the path they may follow, et cetera
- Anything from a fake email to an unsecured hotspot
MTBF (failure risk)
Mean Time Between Failure
-The life expecancy of a system or part that can be repaired
MTTF (failure risk)
Mean Time To Failure
-Average time to failure of an object that must be replaced, not repaired
MTTR (failure risk)
Mean Time To Restore/Repair
-How long it will take to repair or restore a piece of equipment
RTO (failure risk)
Recovery Time Objective
-maximum time a process or service is allowed to be down and the consequences further down time may bring to the company
RPO (failure risk)
The time allowed between recovery point and failure
-Less time is more expensive
Risk Avoidance
Identify the risk, no longer engage in the actions that cause the risk
-Suzie downloaded a virus from a weird FTP server? All right, FTP ports are now blocked.
Risk Transference
Share the burden of risk with someone else, like an insurance company or a cloud storage service
Risk Mitigation
Taking steps to reduce risk
Data Loss Prevention
-monitors systems to make sure key info isn’t missing. See who’s using and transmitting data.
Risk Deference
Threaten potential enemies to keep them from wanting to initiate an attack on the company
Risk Acceptance
Sometimes the cost of implementing a system outweighs the cost of an attack, or sometimes you simply don’t have the budget to worry about certain attacks.
-These risks MUST be identified and quantified
Three Different Cloud Deployment Types
PaaS-Platform as a Service
-Vendors allow apps to be created and run on their infrastructure
SaaS-Software as a Service
-Applications are run remotely over the web
Iaas-Infrastructure as a service
-Virtualization that’s paid for
Risks of Cloud Computing
Regulatory Compliance
-You may have to comply with regulations set by, say SOX. It can be hard to prove that you’re complying with a cloud-based system.
User Privileges
- you don’t have the same level of control and administration
- Recovering from issues may be limited to Service provider tech staff availability
Data Integration/Segregation
-Data may be too close to other companies’. Keep your data encrypted and set parameters.
Risks of Virtualization
Breaking out of the VM
-A skilled hacker may be able to break out of their virtual machine and wreak havoc system-wide
Network Security Controls can intermingle
- The tools to administer a VM may not be as robust
- If the hypervisor can be attacked, the whole system is compromised
Provides employees with guidance about expected behavior Scope Statement
- What the policy intends to accomplish, and which documents, laws, and practices the policy addresses
- What the policy is about and how it applies to the users
Policy Overview Statement
-Goal of the policy, why it’s important, how to comply -roughly a paragraph long
Accountability Statement
- Address who (position) is responsible for ensuring the policy is enforced
- Give the user contact info for problem reports
- Consequences for poor compliance
Exception Statement
- Guidance for the procedure/process of deviation from the policy
- May include an escalation contact
Deals with specific issues and aspects of a business
Should provide enough detail that an audit may be performed
Scope and Purpose
-Explain intention. May include software, addons, etc.
Roles and Responsibilites
-Who’s responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining?
Reference Documents
-Explains standards to clear up confusion or uncertainty
Performance Criteria
-Baselines and technology standards
Maintenance and Administrative Requirements
-What do you need to manage and administer the systems?
Less formal policies or standards Give you step-by-step instructions for accomplishing certain tasks
Scope and Purpose
-Why it exists, to whom it applies
Roles and Responsibilities
-Which departments are assigned which tasks
Guideline Statements
-General steps on how to do shit
Operational Considerations -What needs to happen and when
Separation of Duties
Make sure not just one person is running the show
Cuts down on chances of embezzlement and makes sure you’re not dependent on one person to do a job
Privacy Policies
Essentially the privacy rights users have in general when making use of the company’s equipment
Acceptable Use Policies
-What users are allowed to do and the consequences for not following the AUP
Security Policies
What controls are required to implement and maintain security systems
Job Rotation
Defines the intervals at which employees must rotate jobs Same benefits of Separation of Duties
Succession Planning
Which employees are able to fill certain positions should the positions vacate
Error Types (false positives/negatives
Type I
-False positive. There wasn’t really a problem
Type II
-False negative. A problem wasn’t properly reported
Type III
-You came to the right conclusion, but for the wrong reasons
Business Impact Analysis
Identify critical functions
-What is absolutely necessary to function?
Prioritize critical business functions
-What services do you need to restore first?
Calculating time frame for critical system loss
-How long can you survive without a given system?
Estimating tangible/intangible impact on the organization
- Tangible: lost production or sales
- Intangible: will customers lose faith in the company?
Systems are…
-Mirroring of systems in case of whole system failure
-Many systems working together to accomplish a certain task
Set up for failover
-If a system fails, another system will pick up where it left off
*This can be very expensive
Fault Tolerance
The ability of a system to sustain operations in the event of component failure
-Have spare parts and backup electrical power at the ready
RAID 0-Disk striping
-Data is written across disks simultaneously for insane speed and complete lack of fault tolerance
RAID 1-Mirroring
-Data is cloned on disks to provide for slow speeds and 100% fault tolerance
RAID 3-Striping with Parity Disk
- A parity disk keeps information so if a disk in the RAID array goes out, a new one can be plugged in and the data can be restored
- If the parity disk fails, the whole system fails
RAID 5-Striping with Parity
- Parity information is written across all disks
- If you lose any drive, you can plug in a new one and the data can be restored
- 3-32 disks allowed