Chapter 1 M&F In America Flashcards
Full shell marriage
High on stability and satisfaction
No shell marriage
Low on both stability and satisfaction
Half shell marriages
Happy but cannot survive
Empty shell marriages
They last but bring no satisfication
Systems theory
As applied to intimate relationships, systems theory asserts that the intimate group must be analyzed as a whole; the group has boundaries that distinguish it from other groups. What may appear to be an individual’s problem may be a problem arising out of the family system. Treatment would best be for the family
Exchange theory
“You owe me one” is its popular expression, which asserts that we all attempt to keep our costs lower than our rewards in interaction. If relationship costs more than its rewards, we are likely to avoid the person or break the relationship.
Symbolic interaction theory
What happens in interaction is a result not merely of what individuals bring to it but also of the interaction itself. Like system theories, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Definition of situation
Important concept in symbolic interactionism. When. When defining a situation as real, it has real consequences. Our interpretation of a situation is as important as anything that is objectively true about that situation. I’ve boyfriend jealous, believes she is flirting. In fact she is completely faithful. His perception can cause real consequences to their relationship.
Conflict theory
All societies are characterized by inequality, conflict,and change as groups within the society struggle over scarce resources. Individuals from the differing groups struggle with each other, using whatever resources they have, each striving to meet her own interests, needs, and goals. (Social class, gender differences, power struggles)
Social class
Group of people with similar levels of income, education, and occupational prestige and similar lifestyle.
Birth rate 12
Because increasing number of women are delaying marriage and having their first child until the mid or even late 30s means they will likely have fewer children. Without immigration, the US population will eventually decline of birth rates remain at the present the level.
Living with someone in an intimate, sexual relationship without being legally married.
Emotional loneliness
Means you have fewer intimate relationships than you desire. Can result from a lack of the romantic intimacy or family intimacy or both.
Family of origin
Your first experience of intimacy occurs in the family in which you were born.
A value on family living, leads us to cherish our families, to subordinate their personal desires if necessary for the good of the family group, to view marriage as that which demands our commitment and fidelity.