The Circulatory System is also known as _____.
The Vascular System
What is the sum total of the chemical changes that go on within the cells of an organism?
What are the purpose of the arteries?
Arteries bring blood from the heart to the other organs of the body. (Think of the ‘a’ in arteries as “away”)
What are the purpose of veins?
Veins bring blood back to the heart.
How is the thickness of the artery and vein walls relate to their functions?
The artery is the one which pumps blood from the heart, so it needs a thicker wall to enable it to withstand the greater pressure that sends the blood (at this point is oxygenated) to the other organs of the body.
The vein is the one which returns the blood (which is now de-oxygenated)to the heart, it has a thinner wall because there is less pressure to withstand.
The vein has a thinner wall than the artery, causing it to be wider than a artery.
Why is this necessary?
(I’m not very sure about this..)
Many veins in our body have valves to ensure that the blood only returns to the heart.
Name the four chambers of the human heart.
Right Atrium, Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium.
What is the main function of the Atria?
The atria receive blood from various parts of the body.
What is the main function of the Ventricles?
The ventricles pump the blood to different parts of the body.
The RV to the lungs and the LV to the rest of the body.
What is the largest artery in the circulatory system?
The largest artery is the aorta, which arises from the left part of the heart. It is approximately 2.5 cm in diameter.
- What are the largest veins in the circulatory system?
The largest veins are the superior and inferior vena cava, both of which lead to the right side of the heart.
(* questions with answers not found in the book)
The heart is protected by a sac of connective tissue.
What is it called?
It’s called the pericardium.
- What do you call the smallest arteries that join the capillaries?
They are called Arterioles.
* questions with answers not found in the book
- What do you call the smallest veins that join with the capillaries?
They are called venules.
Why do veins have valves?
To prevent blood from flowing backwards.
(Time for the douchebag question)
Enumerate the sequence of effects that a heartbeat consists of.
(According to the book, and some things I’ve known)
a. The RA contracts, followed by the LA. The blood passes on to the ventricles. The atria relax, allowing the blood to enter the heart, closing the valves between each chamber of the heart.
b. Next, both of the ventricles contract, and the blood passes on to the arteries.
c. Period of inactivity follows.
Extra Notes:
In a, the RA contains contains the deoxygenated blood (used by the body already), while the LA contains oxygenated blood (ready to be used).
In b, the RV pumps the blood to the lungs, so that the blood can receive the oxygen from there. The LV, meanwhile pumps the blood to the rest of the body, so it may be used.
The whole blood consists more of ____________ than blood cells.
Why do RBC have short lives?
They do not had a nucleus, so they can’t repair themselves.
What protein gives the RBC its color?
Where are RBC made?
They are made in the red marrow of flat bones and long bones.
What certain protein do lymphocytes (a certain kind of WBC) produce?
They produce antibodies, which act against foreign substances.
What do blood platelets do?
Blood platelets clot blood when it is needed. (Although sometimes even when it’s not.)
Why can’t a person have the antibody against its own antigen?
He can’t because this will result into clumping of his RBC, clog his capillaries, would die.
There are two kinds of circulations.
What do you call the one in which the blood goes to the lungs?
Pulmonary Circulation.
There are two kinds of circulations.
What do you call the one in which the blood flows through the rest of the body?
Systemic Circulation.
Blood palettes come form large cells called ________.
A heart attack occurs when…?
The supply of blood to a part of the heart is completely cut off.
Cardiac Arrythymia is characterized by…?
An abnormally high or low heart rate.
High blood pressure often results from…?
Atherosclerosis (excessive build up of plaque) and Arteriosclerosis (excessive fat deposits)
When does Anemia occur?
Anemia occurs when the blood does not have enough RBC or is deficient in hemoglobin.
Leukemia is a condition that starts from _________.
The bone marrow
Leukemia is a condition described by excessive production of ___________.
White Blood Cells.