Chapter 1- Key Terms Flashcards
Quantity the consumer is willing to buy
Economic decision-making
Choosing which needs and wants will be satisfied
Economic resources
Things available to produce services and goods
Command economy
Controlled by the government
Economic system
To answer the 3 questions
3 questions every society must know
1.Who consumes the goods and
2. What goods and services should be produced
3. How should goods and services be produced
A person who purchases goods and services
Private ownership of economic resources by individuals
Products you can see/touch
Market economy
Owned/controlled by the people
Things required to live
Mixed economy
Market economy + Command economy
Opportunity cost
The value of the next best alternative
People who invent or supply the goods/services
Not having enough recourses to satisfy needs and wants
Activities provided for satisfaction
Traditional economy
The way it has always been
To improve quality of life, to make life better.
Market price
Where supply and demand are equal
Give up something for something else
Quantity of a good/service
Certificate representing a promise to pay a definite amount of money at a stated interest rate on a specified due date.
Budget deficit
financial situation that occurs when the government spends more than it takes in.
Budget Surplus
when the government spends less than it takes in, usually leads to decreased taxes and more money is spent on programs.
Business cycle
Movement of the economy from one condition to another
Prosperity -> Recession -> Depression -> Recovery
Capital Project
spending money for the city
The decrease in general prices.
Unemployment, rates low, weak sales, business failure
GDP per capita
The out put per person
GDP (gross domestic product)
Total value of all final goods and services in one year in a country
The increase of general prices
National Debt
The amount owed by the federal government
Personal Income
Salaries, wages, investments and government payments to one person.
Price Index
Compares prices from one year to a previous earlier base year
Production out put and the unit of input a worker puts in.
the state of flourishing, wealth, and the standard of living is raised
a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP
employment starts to raise, demand goes up, out put is increased.
Retail sales
monthly economic indicator
the capital raised by a business or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares.
Unemployment Rate
rate of how many people are unemployed to those who are employed.