Chapter 1 - Introduction to SBL and Concepts of Strategy Flashcards
Spaced repetition for key points.
What is a strategy?
It is the pattern of activities that a business organization does to achieve the objectives by adapting the scope and resources to the changes in the environment to get that competitive advantage.
Advantages of strategy? (4)
- It gives the business direction.
- Better utilization of resources.
- It allows the business to look forward.
- Monitor progress.
Dis-advantages of strategy? (4)
- It can be a straight jacket.
- It can be expensive and time consuming.
- It would not be helpful in a crisis.
- It misses unplanned opportunities.
- It can be bureaucratic. (Red tape)
When is strategy particularly important?
- When the business needs to turn around.
- High capital expenditure.
- Lots of stakeholders are effected.
- Long Lead times.
What is RPM? Traditional RPM process?
Rational Planning Module.
Objectives > Audit position > Create strategic choice > Evaluate and select > Implementation (Also feedback and monitor)
What is JSW and what’s their take on RPM?
John, Scholes and Watson.
RPM consist of interdependent 3 parts. Strategic choice + Strategic Position / Analysis + Strategic Action / Implementation.
What is strategic position / analysis consist of? (4)
It is auditing where we are. Business capabilities such as weakness and strength. External Factors such as opportunities and threats. Culture. Also, Expectation of stakeholders.
What does strategic choice consist of? (3)
Generate, Evaluate and Select.
Which ways can a strategy be persued?
Internal growth and external growth such as mergers.
What is implementing a strategy process? 3 key elements?
Re structure, Enable, Monitor Progress.
Why does strategic drift occur? (4)
- The senior management ignores a problem when there is one and they know about it.
- Complacency sets in - The success that the business is built upon is assumed to work without change.
- Failing to adapt to environment changes.
- Discovery that worked before don’t work anymore.
What are the 4 phases of drift?
- Incremental Change.
- Strategic Drift.
- Flux.
- Transformation or Death.
Define strategic drift? What is it?
It is the gradual deterioration of the ability of an organization to get competitive advantage by adapting to the environment. A cognitive slop in the ability to meet organization objectives
What are causes strategic drift found in?
Cognitive mapping and organization culture. Cognitive assumptions are usually limited by intuitive thinking. Managers assumptions create the culture which greatly influences decision making.
Three main approaches to avoid drift?
- Flexibility.
- Strategic resilience.
- Early warnings system.