Chapter 1: Introduction To Risk In Business Flashcards
Difference between risk and uncertainty
Risk has variability’s that can be quantified with probability whereas uncertainty cannot be quantified
What are the key elements to a simple risk framework
Risk Policies and governance at board level, Risk oversight and day to day risk management
what is risk oversight
Often performed by the business unit (First line of defence) with results and action plans reported to, and agreed with, the independent risk management function (second line of defence), often organized by risk type and performing risk type and performing tasks such as: Identifying risks, assessing risks, ensuring that risks are appropriately controlled and monitoring and reporting on the risks and their associated controls
what is day-to-day risk management
This activity is inseparable from good business management and must be owned by te business units, not the risk function
what causes external risks
Unforeseen changes in: The global economy, the political arena, the competitive environment, social and market forces, environment, technology and cyber security
How does political risk affect financial services
A rise or fall in the markets in which firms invest. An increase or decrease in demand for the products which the industry sells. Changes to the legislative and regulatory environment in which financial services firms operate.
What are some examples of changes in the social and market forces that affect financial services?
- technological advances and their impact on products and their use*
changes in consumer behavior*
rising inequality of wealth distribution*
the propensity to save*
attitudes to living on credit, and*
house prices and their relationship to demographic change
What is Cyber risk
Cyber risk covers a broad range of risks that are related to the theft of, or damage to, information stored on (or exchanged between) computers, as well as the systems and websites that run on those computers
What are some examples of external stakeholders that can present external risk?
The firms parent company, major institutional investors, any particularly large or important customers. Other third parties may include regulators, brokers, solicitors, IT and data suppliers, outsourced back office administrators, advisors
what are the key ways to manage stakeholder risk?
Build relationships at senior levels, understand their agenda and how it may differ from the firm’s agenda, manage expectations with any new developments
Causes of environmental risks?
Climate change, depletion of natural resources
Causes of social risks?
Human capital risks, product liability issues, stakeholder opposition
Causes of Governance risks?
Corporate governance issues, corporate behavior issues
Which techniques help to establish a risk profile
PESTLE analysis, business continuity planning, business process analysis
What does PESTLE stand for
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental
What is business continuity planning
The act of planning for disaster recovery and business continuity planning will uncover a number of external risk factors
What is Business Process Analysis
Examining each high level business process and describing both the internal low-level processes and the external factors which can influence those processes
What is strategic risk
The current or prospective risk to earnings and capital arising from changes in the business environment and from adverse business decisions, improper implementation of decisions or lack of responsiveness to changes in the business environment
What is operational risk
The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events
What are the 3 main types of financial risk?
Credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk
What is credit risk
The loss caused by the failure of a counterparty or issuer to meet its obligation
What is Market risk
Loss arising from changes in the value of the financial instruments
What is liquidity risk
The risk that a firm has insufficient cash to meet its cash obligations and will either become insolvent or will suffer losses from borrowing, selling assets below market price, or paying contractual penalties
How are the internal drivers of risk assessed
Risk assessment workshops, Discussions with external auditors, stress testing, scenario analysis
What is risk culture
The system of values and behaviors present throughout an organization that shape risk decisions. Risk culture influences the decisions of management and employees, even if they are not consciously weighing risks and benefits
Features of a heathy risk culture
Attitude to risk and ethics from board and senior team, effectiveness of how these attitudes are communicated, the degree to which risk is formally considered during decision making, and the extent to which incentive schemes reinforce good risk management
what is conduct risk?
The risk that the firm’s behavior will result in poor outcomes for the customer
What is risk tolerance
Risk tolerance/appetite is the type and amount of risk that a firm is willing to accept in the pursuit of its business objectives
What is inherent/gross risk
an assessment of risk without considering the beneficial effects of mitigating controls
What is residual/net risk
The firms exposure after having taken into account mitigating controls
what is a risk profile
made up of the type and intensity of the risks to which it is exposed. Consists of the nature of the threats faced by the organization, the likelihood of adverse effects occurring and the level of disruption and costs associated with each type of risk
Examples of risk mitigation techniques
Ensuring appropriate policies are in place, upgrading processes and IT systems to control operational risk better, hedging against market risk and holding collateral against credit risk
What is reputational risk
Either an outcome itself or results as a direct or indirect consequence from other risk classes. It can magnify other risks
How can reputational risk impact a firm
Loss of current or future customers, loss of employees, loss of current or future business partners, increased costs of financial funding, increased costs due to government regulations, fines or other penalties
what is a cost/benefit analysis
Compares the estimated likely revenues with the actual costs
What is asset liquidity risk
The risk that the entity will be unable to unwind a position in a particular financial instrument at or near its market value
What is funding liquidity risk
The risk a firm cannot obtain the necessary funds to meet its obligations as the fall due
What is a contagion
Risks that affect one firm, or a group of firms, can affect the stability of the whole financial system, This causes systemic risk.
What is a recovery and resolution plan
a plan which lays out credible recovery actions that a fir could implement in the event of severe stress to restore its business to a stable and suitable condition. Also the mechanism by which any absolute failure within the firm can be enacted in an orderly fashion
What do companies use technology for
Secure improvements in the consumer experience
Bring about disruption to business models, changing the competitive landscape for firms
What is a crypto asset
A digital asset that does not require intervention from a middleman and uses decentralized distribution leger technology
What is an ICO
Initial coin/currency offer
Problems with crypto assets
“Hot” storage (online)
difficult to protect
can be used for illegal activities
volatile due to limited availability
Susceptible to market manipulation
Increase business risk - current clients becoming frightened
What is GDPR
General data protection regulation
What is the payment services directive (PSD)
Aims to establish a safer online payment environment, while promoting the development and usage of innovative online and mobile payments